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An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Eating for Success

A wake-up call for your health. It’s time to eat for success.

Hey you, hunched over your computer. As an inspired entrepreneur myself I know what it’s like to be chasing big, wild goals. It’s exciting and rewarding. However, it is also sometimes exhausting and overwhelming to the point you don’t know what time of day it is or when the last time you got up from your computer. My questions to you: when is the last time you stopped to eat? And when you did, did you reach for something to really help fuel you or did you go for the take out menu?

Self-care is important.

Self care is usually the first thing that takes a backseat to all us out there who are hustling. I get it. I also know the thought of trying to decipher healthy eating can be hard and the last thing you want to think about sometimes. What if I told you it’d actually help you to be better and give more back to others?

Eating well is one of the best things you can do to keep you sharp and energized to go after what you want.

So how can you eat better without having to spend too much time thinking about it?

Remember the 3 Ps; plan, prepare, and be purposeful:

Most of you out there are big on planning. It’s how you manage all the awesome priorities you’ve got to juggle. Eating well is no different, so set up your week to win.

Taking some time to think about what you can eat it the key to staying on the healthy eating track rather than going for the fast food option when you’re too tired and hungry to think.

A few quick preparations on the weekend will help you be able to to prepare quick, healthy meal options. Easy suggestions that you can cook ahead of time and have on hand in the fridge are hard boiled eggs, some type of grain, pre-chopped vegetables, and a protein like chicken breast, for example. 20-30 minutes of cooking on the weekend is all you need put aside which goes a long way during the week.

Here are some awesome links to help with meal prep:

Be Purposeful:
As entrepreneurs, stepping away from our laptops is something that can seem scary – and almost impossible at times. STEP away from the computer! Taking short breaks to nourish yourself with good food does wonders for your productivity. Your energy will be higher, you give your brain time to reset and therefore improve your overall workflow.

The entrepreneurial journey has it’s ups and downs. Strategy is everything. Make your health and well-being a priority and you’ll set yourself up for success on all levels.

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