Best Business Tips of 2020 monthly business guide cover photo
Best Business Tips of 2020 monthly business guide cover photo

Best Business Tips of 2020

Are you ready for an overview of the best business tips of 2020 from our community? If you’re a small business owner or freelancer, we’ve got you covered. This guide will help you wrap up your year and prep for 2021.

This year we rallied together to support one another and stand with each other. This year community over competition became real on a whole new level. This year we saw growth and change and pivoting… and saw so many small businesses shine in their expertise. This month’s guide features the top 10 business tips and articles of the year.

This month’s guide shares:

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What’s inside - best business tips of 2020

Erica Johnson

Social media content creation takes a long time in itself. Also, not to mention posting on all the different platforms. There’s Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and more. But with Erica’s recommendations for 3 tools to use, you’ll be creating social media strategies quickly and confidently. Plus, you’ll get your content live with ease (and much fewer hours!). Learn more about this Creative Director & CEO’s favorite social media tools in her article.

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Shay Cochrane

Feeling in a content creation rut? Are you ready to build momentum with high quality content that delivers to your loyal audience again and again? As a result, you’ll have a greater chance at reaching more people and new audiences. Shay dives into the 3 types of content that have the greatest impact and how to implement them into your social media strategy. So, if you’re ready to up your Instagram game and reach new eyes, her article is sure to help. Plus, you can even get access to a free 14-day trial of Social Squares for high quality imagery!

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Joelle Bradfield

A streamlined workflow can be the gamechanger that takes your inquiries from interested to booked. Setting yourself up for success with consistent processes and professionalism is what Joelle did to close the deal on 90% more inquiries. Therefore, she shares her 6 simple steps you can start implementing today. Ever wondered what you should include in your first email? Or when you should follow up? Well, this article shares all & the key components you should be implementing.

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Sagan Morrow

With the end of 2020 upon us and the start of a fresh new year around the corner, now is the perfect time to evaluate your year and plan for upcoming business. Sagan walks you through 5 questions to ask to help with your long-term business planning and to identify SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely) goals as you prepare for the new year. Get ready for productivity, organization and streamlining your business with these questions and her goal planning workbook.

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Keina Newell

Do you ever feel like you’re experiencing constant feast or famine with the financials of your business? If you’re craving freedom and flexibility (you know… the kind you dreamed of when you started this business of yours in the first place!), read this article. Dive into Keina’s article to gain clarity on your financial status. She walks you through action steps to tackle financial overwhelm in your personal life. With her help you can reduce your business expenses and also discover the key meeting you should have on your calendar each week to master your finances.

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Terry Rice

Prepping to pitch yourself to new business next year? In this webinar recap, Terry shares how to do just that. Learn how to establish yourself as a business partner. Find out key insights on: clarity in brand positioning and how you provide unique value, how to showcase that value and a simple 5-step process you can use to master any pitch call… and ultimately win more quality business.

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Preston Lee

Email marketing converts. And based on statistics… converts better than social media marketing and even any other kind of promotion you can do for your business. However, are you maximizing your email marketing efforts to convert your customers quickly? Preston shares about his 5 top copywriting formulas for email marketing to make a powerful impact on your business and your bottom line.

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Kelly Banas

This year has brought uncertainty, fear and confusion as we manage the uncertainty of COVID-19 and the implications for small business owners, freelancers and event professionals everywhere. Licensed therapist, Kelly Banas, offers up 5 ways to manage your mental health and care for yourself during this time, ranging from the RAIN strategy for addressing emotions and thought patterns, to strategies for connection with others and yourself.

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Elise Asanias

This year may have had you pivoting in your small business to change up your services and products, and perhaps exploring new ones all together. Have you considered online courses as an opportunity to generate more income in less time? Elise shares about the benefits of launching an online course, plus the first steps to get you started on the right foot, just in time for the new year. If you have been dreaming of beginning or expanding on your passive income journey, this is the article for you.

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David Zhang

Sometimes it feels next to impossible to set aside money every month for retirement. This is especially true when retirement feels so far away. But do you want to thank yourself down the road? Then now is the time to begin saving for retirement as an entrepreneur. David debunks some of the common fears and questions associated with investing in retirement savings. Also, he shares where to even begin (and which type of retirement account might be right for you as a solopreneur!) so you can get started saving today.

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Disclaimer: The advice featured in this guide and on the blog was sourced from our community members for sharing general information and knowledge. For specific legal, financial, tax, mental health and professional advice, please consult an authorized professional.

Best Business Tips of 2020

Are you ready for an overview of the best business tips of 2020 from our community? If you’re a small business owner or freelancer, we’ve got you covered. This guide will help you wrap up your year and prep for 2021.

This year we rallied together to support one another and stand with each other. This year community over competition became real on a whole new level. This year we saw growth and change and pivoting… and saw so many small businesses shine in their expertise. This month’s guide features the top 10 business tips and articles of the year.

This month’s guide shares: