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The Client Booking Workflow That Helped Me Get My Life Back

A version of this article originally appeared on the Hope Taylor blog. It has been republished here for the HoneyBook Rising Tide audience.

One of the things I really struggled with in the beginning of my business, and one that I feel is a common issue for photographers and business owners in the early stages, is finding a consistent way to onboard my clients when they book me. I needed an easy and organized way to accept payments and online contracts, to organize my calendar, to keep track of my bookkeeping and who owed me what, at what time.

There are so many things to keep track of, and I even double-booked and slept through a couple of shoots in the early stages of my business because it was so disorganized and I didn’t have a consistent easy way to track all of this information.

Don’t be like me. Don’t make the same mistakes.


In the first “official” episode of Happy Hour with Hope, I’m going to walk you through the program I use to onboard my clients when they book me.

It’s the first EDUCATIONAL episode, and this month, we are talking all about WORKFLOWS and SYSTEMS in my business. I’m sharing every piece of my workflows, with no stone left unturned, to show you how to STREAMLINE your workflows and get your LIFE back.

I’m not going to make you wait for it, so here is Episode number TWO of Happy Hour with Hope: My Client Booking Workflow!

BUT, before you tune in, be sure to download this week’s FREE guide to follow along with the video! It contains questions, additional resources, access to exclusive discounts that you WON’T find in the video!



No, seriously….DOWNLOAD THE FREE GUIDE! I promise you’ll want to get your hands on it!

Get 50% Off From Hope

Try HoneyBook, the business management software, that helped her “get her life back.”

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