Man sits and smiles using phone in front of library on the cover of the build your unique brand guide.
Man sits and smiles using phone in front of library on the cover of the build your unique brand guide.

How to build your unique brand

Your brand is the unique way that you distinguish your services from others in your industry, which is why it’s so important to every business no matter the size. There are a lot of elements that go into your branding and each contribute to help set your business apart and catch the eye of your ideal client: from your logo and visual design to writing style and client experience.

Keeping all of these pieces cohesive and authentic can be challenging but that’s why we’ve created this guide! Get tips on how to build and maintain a brand that represents your unique business and attracts the clients you want to work with.

This month’s guide shares:

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Keep it authentic:

Whether building, rebuilding or updating your brand, follow Jordan Kentris’ expert tips to maintain authenticity and craft a brand as unique as your personality. If you’re looking to grow and increase sales with your brand, social media is an incredible tool. Learn four steps for building your brand on social media from Lauren Loreto.

Every business has a brand experience:

From your visual aesthetic to your communication style and business processes, your brand experience encompasses all of the ways your audience, leads, and clients interact with you. The trick is to make sure your brand experience is aligned with how you want your business to be perceived. Claire Bough shares tips for building a brand experience you can be proud of.

Attract clients that are right for you:

Follow key steps outlined by Chisolu Isiadinso to establish a strong brand that attracts your ideal clients for both present and future small business growth. Does your independent business make Jaime Wright’s six crucial branding decisions that are often overlooked? Avoid these common blunders while building a successful brand.

What's Inside

Jordan Kentris Is your brand as distinctive as your personality? Whether developing, rebuilding, or upgrading your brand, make sure you’re staying true to yourself with these tips from Jordan. She shares insight on how to show your audience who you are and what they can expect when working with you. Key steps include auditing your current brand, knowing your ideal client’s buying habits, gathering inspiration, and more. Download Guide
Lauren LoretoWith social media, you have the opportunity to build your brand and improve sales at the same time. Create a strong social media presence by following Lauren’s four simple steps. Learn how to start with market research, execute a sustainable social media strategy, stay consistent, and more. With these simple guidelines, you’ll be well on your way to leveraging the power of social media to bring in new clients, increase sales, and achieve your business goals. Download Guide
Claire BoughThere is a unique brand experience for every business. Your brand experience covers everything from your visual design and communication style to your business procedures and services. Your brand experience will leave a lasting impression on your clients, which is why it’s so critical to building a strong and sustainable business. With Claire’s advice, you’ll learn how to create a brand experience that puts your best foot forward. Download Guide
Chisolu IsiadinsoEvery successful business has figured out how to attract their ideal clients. Learn how to do the same for your business with these insights from Chisolu. This means evaluating all components of your business, from your design, cohesive brand strategy, and experience to the services you offer, to make sure they’re aligned with what your ideal client is looking for. Try out Chisolu’s essential steps to establish a strong brand that attracts your ideal clients for both present and future small business growth. Download Guide
Jaime WrightAre you making these six critical but frequently missed branding decisions in your independent business? Don’t fall victim to these common mistakes. Check out Jamie’s article for insight on how you can strengthen your business foundation and build a long-lasting brand that helps you achieve your business goals. Download Guide

Disclaimer: The advice featured in this guide and on the blog was sourced from our community members for sharing general information and knowledge. For specific legal, financial, tax, mental health and professional advice, please consult an authorized professional.