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How to embrace change and reset your business with Justin Shiels

💡Reframing your goals to focus on action items will help you get out of a negative loop and get to work

If you are a business owner who’s in need of a reset, then this episode is for you. Justin Shiels is a creative consultant, speaker, and author of The Reset Workbook. He is on a mission to help guide business owners to meaningful breakthroughs so they can unleash their creative potential.

We sat down for a fulfilling conversation on what it really means to have a reset in your business. 

Spoiler alert: you don’t have to be going through a rough patch in order to reset. We also talk about how we can embrace change and how we can trust our instincts as business owners.

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Learn to trust your intuition to know when it’s time for a business reset

For his entire life, Justin has been a goal-oriented high-achiever. However, as he started digging into personal development, he realized that action was not always the answer. In some seasons, he needed to slow down. In other seasons, he needed to veer off his perfectly planned path and take more risks.

Over time, Justin learned to trust his intuition when it came to his business and life. He started doing business resets during difficult seasons, such as transitions or experiencing loss. However, you don’t have to wait until you’re in a bad place to do a business reset.

Additionally, you don’t have to do a reset of your entire life. Instead, you can find small areas where you want to see significant change. For example, Justin recently focused on eating healthier. 

3 things you can do to start your personal development journey

  1. Keep a journal. Justin recommends keeping several lists, such as “ten things you want to accomplish in the next five years.”
  2. Go for more walks. Ideally, you should go for a walk every day, but aim for at least once a week. Walking helps you stay in the present moment and feel grounded in your body and in nature.
  3. Meditate every day. Even if you only meditate for a few minutes each day, it will help you slow down and grow your intuition.

Build your intuition by adding joy to your schedule 

In order to build your intuition, you have to slow down and learn to listen to your gut. 

When you look at your schedule for each day, ask yourself what you need to get done, and then ask yourself what you can add to your schedule that sparks joy. When you add more to your daily schedule, you learn how to be a deep listener, which builds your intuition. 

Following your “sparks of joy” will also help you enjoy the journey of your business, even during the challenging moments. Your work will feel aligned and you will stay in a creative flow. The more you learn to listen to yourself, the easier it will be to make decisions and move forward. 

What to do when you feel stuck in your business

In every business, there are different seasons. One important season is the season of sowing. You have to plant seeds in order for them to grow so that you can reap the harvest. Sowing seasons are difficult because they require a ton of work and you don’t see the payoff right away. 

All of us experience a waiting period between doing the work and seeing the reward. It can feel like you’re “stuck” in the season, but the truth is that you’re sowing seeds. Your job in this season is not to dig up the seeds you just planted yet. You have to wait for it to grow.

One way to navigate this season is to change the way you look at goal setting. Change your goals to things that you can actually control. For example, instead of saying “I want to get ten new clients by the end of the quarter,” say, “I will reach out to ten people a day until I get ten new clients.”

Reframing your goals to focus on action items will help you get out of a negative loop and get to work. During this season, you should also focus on improving your mindset by repeating positive affirmations.

The biggest differentiator between the businesses that succeed and the ones that fail

Justin believes that the biggest differentiator between the businesses that succeed and the ones that fail is belief. If you believe that something is possible, it will happen. You might have to wait, but as long as you believe that it is possible, it will eventually happen.

Important sections of the conversation

  • [1:46] Learn to trust your intuition to know when it’s time for a business or life reset
  • [9:40] Three things you can do to start your personal development journey
  • [14:21] Build your intuition by adding joy to your schedule
  • [23:00] What to do when you feel stuck in your business
  • [31:15] The biggest differentiator between the businesses that succeed and the ones that fail

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