What does it mean to create an inclusive client experience? It’s about ensuring each interaction a potential client has with your business is fundamentally designed to serve all people and respects diversity of identity and ability. Operating with inclusivity in mind is good for your clients, business, and community; you might call it a win-win-win. In this month’s guide, we are sharing actionable steps to help you create a more inclusive client experience in your business that will make people feel welcome and eager to work with you.
What does it mean to create an inclusive client experience? It’s about ensuring each interaction a potential client has with your business is fundamentally designed to serve all people and respects diversity of identity and ability. Operating with inclusivity in mind is good for your clients, business, and community; you might call it a win-win-win. In this month’s guide, we are sharing actionable steps to help you create a more inclusive client experience in your business that will make people feel welcome and eager to work with you.

How to Create an Inclusive Client Experience

What does it mean to create an inclusive client experience? It’s about ensuring each interaction a potential client has with your business is fundamentally designed to serve all people and respects diversity of identity and ability. Operating with inclusivity in mind is good for your clients, business, and community; you might call it a win-win-win.

In this month’s guide, we are sharing actionable steps to help you create a more inclusive client experience in your business that will make people feel welcome and eager to work with you.

This month’s guide shares:

  • How to be an advocate for diversity, equality and inclusion in business.
  • Guidance for establishing inclusive business practices starting with yourself.
  • Ways to ensure your content is accessible to ALL people.

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It starts with you:

Crystal Whiteaker reminds us that before we can build an inclusive business, we need to do our own inner work, which means examining our biases. She shares tips to help you get started so you can create truly inclusive content that lives up to your core values. Once you’ve done the work, make it known to your clients by reflecting inclusivity on your website. Taylor de la Fuente walks us through important considerations to keep in mind when trying to build a more welcoming and inclusive website.

Focus on your team:

Your employees are extensions of your brand and if you’re intending to lead with inclusivity you must first commit to authentically creating an inclusive environment for your team. Aleya Harris shares essential tips for how to jumpstart this process and Lisette Cervano takes it one step further.

Don’t overlook the details:

Claire Bough outlines the importance of bringing inclusivity into your entire booking process. She breaks down how to lead with inclusivity at every stage in your workflow from first inquiry to final payment so you can be sure you’re offering equal opportunity and treatment to everyone. And when we say everyone, we mean it. Inclusivity is incomplete without accessible content; make sure yours works for all people by following Jennifer Siomacco’s inclusive marketing tips.

What's Inside

Aleya HarrisWondering how to create a messaging strategy that reflects your values and reflects inclusivity in your business? Aleya shares some essential ways to get started and how you can commit to creating an environment conducive to growth, respect, diversity and inclusion towards your employees and audience.

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Lisette CervanoImagine that you’ve created this inclusive space where your business flourish. Everyone can bring their best authentic selves to work and your clients feel seen, understood, od and satisfied with what you’ve provided. Make this a reality with Lisette. She shares expert insight on how to create a safe space in your business and why inclusivity is necessary for continued growth and success.

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Crystal WhiteakerBefore you try to incorporate diversity in your business messaging and visuals, it’s important to first do the deep, inner work. Crystal explains step-by-step how we can create lasting change by examining our biases first. She reminds us that diversity brings people in, representation gives them a voice and inclusion makes them feel welcome, heard and understood. Read More Download Guide
Jennifer SiomaccoEncountering a truly inclusive customer experience can be rare if you’re a person living with disabilities. Jennifer reminds us that disabled people are everywhere and dives into how we can make impactful efforts to help people with disabilities by focusing on accessibility within our business. Making your marketing more accessible for all is a win-win! Read More Download Guide
Taylor de la FuenteMake your website more inclusive and accessible. Taylor guides us through three crucial steps on how to use inclusive language on your website for your business that could transform the creative industry into a kinder, more welcoming and more inclusive space. Read More Download Guide
Claire BoughLearn how to create an inclusive client experience throughout your booking process. Claire walks us through how we can build business practices that prioritize inclusivity at every step and that will also attract a bigger pool of potential clients. Read More Download Guide

Disclaimer: The advice featured in this guide and on the blog was sourced from our community members for sharing general information and knowledge. For specific legal, financial, tax, mental health and professional advice, please consult an authorized professional.