Instagram For Business
Instagram For Business

Instagram for Business

From battling the algorithm to lacking confidence in your Insta-Story game (but having plenty of writer’s block), Instagram for business is no joke.

That’s why we gathered advice from the experts all in one guide.

This month’s guide shares:

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Lauren Carnes
If you’re feeling the pain of wanting to make social media social again, you’re in the right place. Instagram for Business doesn’t have to be just one more thing on the to do list. Instead, with these 3 tips, Lauren will guide you through how to use Instagram to build relationships with fellow business owners and potential clients that last beyond a double tap, and even convert off the app.

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Shana DewittA content strategy with the intention of reaching more clients doesn’t have to be so hard. Shana shares two (yes, only TWO!), types of posts you should be sharing on Instagram if you’re trying to grow your brand and get more dollars. It all comes down to awareness and sales, and her article shares examples of types of posts you don’t want to miss out on sharing with your audience.

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Shay CochraneRaise your hand if most days you’re scrambling for what to post on Instagram? Balancing the algorithm and aesthetically pleasing images and captions and more can feel overwhelming… especially when you aren’t a photographer. Shay explains how you can uplevel your Instagram content calendar and make it easy in the process with styled stock photography. Plus, for the month of September 2019 only, she’s offering 1 month FREE to her online database of Instagram ready images, Social Squares. She’ll help you learn how to increase your brand recognition and elevate your online presence with ease.

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Onye HInstagram has become part of the fabric of our businesses as creative entrepreneurs. But what if you’re making mistakes on the platform that could be hurting your engagement, brand, and bank account? In this article, Onye shares her expertise on 5 ways you’re not using Instagram like you should… and the best ways to make changes that impact your feed AND audience. Download Guide

Jamar DiggsYou may hear the letters IGTV and immediately check out… thinking: oh, that’s just too hard for me. I don’t have the skills or tools or know-how to create quality videos. But with Jamar’s tips on 3 types of video content to share, and his 6 quickstart tips on tackling your first IGTV video, you’ll be ready to share high-touch content that speaks volumes.

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Kevin DennisThere are two main things you need to do to set your business up for success when you’re heading out-of-office for business travel. Kevin Dennis shares his best practices for maximizing your time and taking advantage of new opportunities, connecting with potential clients and friends, and getting the most value out of your travels.

Beyond Hashtags and Posts: New Ways of Attracting Clients on Instagram

Community Perks

You might be feeling like, “Man, I need to #UpMyInstaGame!” To help get you started, the amazing Social Squares is gifting Rising Tide members ONE FREE MONTH to the entire Social Squares library.


All you have to do is download this month’s free guide to get your discount code.

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This month we’ve got something special in the guide to get you from talking about Instagram… to taking action on Instagram. Each week, we’re challenging you to up your Instagram game and share about it on social media.

(We’re here to hold you accountable!)

The best part? We made it super easy.

Find each week’s action item inside the guide along with actionable worksheets we created just for you.



This month, the editor in chief and content manager of Dirty Boots & Messy Hair, the community for adventurous photographers, is answering your most pressing Instagram marketing questions all month long in our Ask An Expert series.


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Disclaimer: The advice featured in this guide and on the blog was sourced from our community members for sharing general information and knowledge. For specific legal, financial, tax, mental health and professional advice, please consult an authorized professional.