How to Own Your Superpower: The Ultimate Guide
How to Own Your Superpower: The Ultimate Guide

How to Own Your Superpower

At the heart of every independent business is something unique: it’s you. Your personality, experiences and talent are what make your business stand out and your services one-of-a-kind. When a client decides to hire your business, they’ve not only decided that they want what you’re offering, but also that they want to work with YOU.

That’s what we’re diving into in this month’s guide. We’re unpacking all the ways to create a high-quality client experience that brings your unique superpower to the forefront. Because the better clients understand who you are, the more they’ll book and the more your business will grow!

This month’s guide shares:

  • Let your personality shine in your business.
  • Understand, attract and retain your ideal clients.
  • Increase your leads via personalized outreach.

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Own your super of superpowers YOU:

Rebecca Ellison discusses three methods to make yourself more appealing to potential clients. Learn how to bring your personality into your marketing by embracing your quirks, sharing unique stories and more. Then, follow Dixie Bagley’s tips for setting boundaries with your clients to create the strongest working relationship. Doing what you do best means working with the clients that best fit your unique offering.

Understand how to best serve your ideal client:

Kylie Carlson discusses how to meet the demands of your target market, put yourself in your ideal client’s shoes and become engaged in your network to boost your business’s success. Next up, learn about the best practices for onboarding new clients and developing your dream business. Jasmin Haley demonstrates how to map out your client journey, communicate expectations, create strong connections and scale your business.

Make new connections:

Henry Chen shares his top tips on everything chat marketing, including how it can help you and your business generate new client leads and save time in the process. Once you’ve converted those conversations into new clients, don’t forget the opportunity to turn that positive relationship into a valuable referral for your business. Jen Taylor shares her strategies for building a thriving network from within your existing community.

What's Inside

Rebecca EllisonReady to take control of your superpower and expand your business? Becca Ellison explains how to keep your marketing and content focused on your dream audience. Allowing others to know who you are is one of the most powerful methods to create real human connections in all areas of your business.

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Dixie BagleyIt’s crucial to set clear expectations with your clients to ensure they don’t overstep your boundaries. Dixie Bagley shows you how to manage difficult but necessary conversations with your clients from Dixie Bagley. You’ll learn how to define your parameters, be absolutely explicit in your online contracts and gain confidence within your business.

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Kylie CarlsonIn order to fill up your client list, you need to understand your ideal client’s unique needs and make sure your business is positioned to serve them. Kylie Carlson shows you how to shed light on your existing client’s journey in order to spot areas for growth. Get her tips on how to examine your target market, understand your customer experience and the importance of participating in your network.

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Jasmin HaleyJasmine Haley shares four tips for how to make your client onboarding process easy and engaging so you can start building meaningful relationships with your clients right away. She explains how to chart your client’s progress, convey clear expectations and establish a strong connection from the beginning. Her insights will help you build a following of devoted clients who can generate high intent referral traffic and word-of-mouth marketing for your business. That’s the value of being a heart-centered entrepreneur who runs their business with compassion and honesty.

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Henry ChenDid you know automated chatbots could help your business run more smoothly and provide a better customer experience? Henry Chen discusses the advantages of automated chat marketing, including how it can help you more easily connect with new clients, have meaningful discussions, save time and, importantly, increase business’ bottom line.

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Jen TaylorEven if you’re working alone, building a business is a team effort. Jennifer Taylor outlines all of the different kinds of people that can support your small business growth. Regardless of whether it’s family, friends, previous clients or fellow small businesses, the opportunities for partnerships only reveal themselves when you begin asking. Jennifer shares how to focus on cultivating long-term, meaningful relationships in your existing community that will grow your business in the long term.

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Disclaimer: The advice featured in this guide and on the blog was sourced from our community members for sharing general information and knowledge. For specific legal, financial, tax, mental health and professional advice, please consult an authorized professional.