How to Use SEO to Get in Front of Your Ideal Client – The Ultimate Guide
How to Use SEO to Get in Front of Your Ideal Client – The Ultimate Guide

How to Use SEO to Get in Front of Your Ideal Client

Search Engine Optimization, better known as SEO, is a business owner’s best friend when it comes to landing on the first page of a search engine. In other words, it’s your ticket to ensuring your business is discovered by potential clients that are looking for your services.

In this month’s guide, we’re sharing expert SEO insights that you can start using immediately to get in front of your ideal client and expand your business. With this guide, you’ll be able to make sure that everything you create is SEO-friendly. From easier SEO methods to implementing SEO tools, start putting these best practices to work today and set yourself up for success in the future.

This month’s guide shares:

  • Strategies that will help you reach your ideal clients.
  • SEO tools that you can start using right now in your business.
  • Tips to ensure your SEO efforts are successful.

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Business strategies

Cultivate genuine connections:

Aleya Harris explains how to own and leverage your unique brand voice to build meaningful relationships with your target audience. Once you’re clear on your brand voice, apply Leila Lewis’ five relationship-building strategies to begin expanding your network.

Collaboration is a win-win:

Partnering with others in your industry is a great way to increase visibility for your business and learn new skills in the process. Caren Kreger shares three things from her own personal experiences that will inspire your next collaboration. Then, Claire Bough teaches us how automation can save you and your clients time, leading to a better experience for everyone involved.

Lean on your industry peers for support:

D’Ana Joi Spencer reminds us of all the ways seeking community can support business growth. And if you’re in the process of moving to a new community, Lynne Reznick shares tips to help you get prepared and successfully transition your business to a new place.

What's Inside

Sophy DaleImplementing SEO into your business will make it more discoverable to your ideal audience. Sophia uncovers the top five things to remember about SEO from optimizing your website to keyword research and curating an SEO-focused marketing strategy. Capture your ideal clients and start climbing the search engine rankings.

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Duo Collective: Abbey Oslin and Courtney PetersenImagine a list of the best SEO tools for your small business – it’s here! Abbey and Courtney from Duo Collective compiled eight must-have SEO tools, including keyword research tools, that are all free! Learn tips on how to manage your SEO tasks and conquer your SEO goals.

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Christy PriceSquarespace takes care of the technical parts of SEO that the ordinary user might find difficult to handle. Sophia explains how Squarespace helps business owners create a good site map and offers free SSL certificates, among other things. Plus, Squarespace’s SEO settings are built right into the platform, so you can feel good knowing your website’s SEO will work for you automatically.

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Hanson ChengOne of the most efficient methods for a freelancer to promote their services and generate inbound leads is to create actionable Search Engine Optimization (SEO) content. Hanson covers everything a freelancer needs to know about SEO, including how to write digestible SEO-friendly content that encourages your ideal audience to keep reading.

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Claire BoughLearn how to turn your audience’s attention into action. Claire shares tips on how to establish an SEO strategy that promotes conversions and generates a continuous flow of leads by leveraging HoneyBook. Learn how to make the most of your SEO efforts with a streamlined booking process.

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Disclaimer: The advice featured in this guide and on the blog was sourced from our community members for sharing general information and knowledge. For specific legal, financial, tax, mental health and professional advice, please consult an authorized professional.