Video Marketing
Video Marketing

Video Marketing

They say “video is the future.” An opportunity to connect with your ideal client, build relationships, and make sales. You likely know you need to add it to your marketing strategy, but where to begin? If you’re reading this guide feeling the pressure to add one more thing to your ever-growing list of to do’s, we’re here to make sure you get quick tips on getting started, why video matters, and the importance of things like Instagram Stories vs. YouTube. Read along for insight from the video experts in this ultimate guide to video marketing.

This month’s guide shares how to:

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Build Your Know-Like-Trust Factor

Video marketing doesn’t just add one more marketing tactic to your list, but rather gives you direct access (and even digital “eye- contact”) to your ideal customer. It stops people in their tracks, gets them to pay attention, and ultimately builds connections beyond many other marketing strategies. As a result, you have greater potential to increase your Know-Like-Trust factor. The more eyes on your content and connecting personally with your videos, the more likely your audience will feel comfortable purchasing from you.

You Need a Plan...and Then To Just Start

Whether you’re Type A or more go-with-the-flow, video marketing content creation can feel a bit out of the comfort zone for many. Wherever you land, a great place to begin is by mapping out your content and what you’d like to convey. It could be via an outline, a goals sheet, or even talking points… but the main thing you must do is just start. Don’t let having everything “perfect” hold you back from creating. And if you’re looking for some tangible tips on how to create your videos, check out Peter Aguilar’s article on page 15.

Make Your Videos Accessible To All

One final key tip in video marketing is to focus on making your videos accessible to all. On page 8, Erin Perkins shares amazing resources and tools to offer accessible content to ensure all members of your community can experience your expertise. You can start simply with one thing at a time: from captioning your Instagram Stories to captioning your videos and course content, and in the end, have the potential to provide inclusive content, reach more people, and even boost your SEO.

What's Inside

Mycah Burns Showing up on video is half the battle, but connecting personally with your audience makes the extra effort (and nerves!) worth it. Mycah shares about the power video has to open the door to catching your ideal client’s eye and connecting quickly. Download the guide. Read More Download Guide
Anesha CollinsDon’t let the abundance of social media video options keep you from starting. The overwhelm doesn’t have to stop you. Instead, take each platform one at a time and use Anesha’s quick tips for everything from Instagram to Pinterest to how to maximize your social media video content marketing via emails. Download Guide

Estrella SansaitFeel like you need a plan before tackling any new to do? We get it. Shooting video can feel daunting without an idea of what to do. Estrella shares about how to create an outline for your video, capture quality audio, and the realities of messing up!

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Erin PerkinsAccessibility is important for a variety of reasons, and in Erin’s article she shares about her personal experience as a deaf woman seeking more accessible content. Ensuring your content is available to all not only provides greater, widespread access to your videos, but also uplevels your SEO ability by captioning your video. It’s a win/win. Her article gives tangible tips, tools, and resources to take the next step. Download the guide.

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Trena LittleIf you’re going to take the time to create video content, you want to make sure it’s seen by the masses, right? In Trena’s article she shares your first 5 steps to getting started on YouTube in a way that pays off. From tips on choosing your content to how to optimize for the right things, you don’t want to miss this guide to what you really need to do before hitting “record.”

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Kylie CarlsonMarketing with video not only can change how you do business, but can catapult your business to increased growth! Kylie shares 4 different unexpected ways you could be using video to propel forward… including one you may not have thought of at all: virtual reality. Find out how to put it to use in this article. Download Guide
Peter AguilarIf you haven’t thought about video as visual storytelling, think again. It’s the ideal way to tell your story in a concise and interesting way… and can be done with a little creativity, strategy, and investment in *the right tools* instead of all the tools. Moral of the story, you don’t need a huge budget to kick off, and Peter shares why. Download Guide

Disclaimer: The advice featured in this guide and on the blog was sourced from our community members for sharing general information and knowledge. For specific legal, financial, tax, mental health and professional advice, please consult an authorized professional.