How to conduct a year-end retrospective for your business
How to conduct a year-end retrospective for your business

How to Conduct a Year-End Retrospective for Your Business

Before you dive into the new year, it’s a good idea to conduct a year-end retrospective on your business. By looking back at all that you’ve learned this last year, you’ll be better prepared to set yourself up for success in 2022

This month’s guide is full of expert advice on how to audit your business. From improving your client experience to strengthening your social media and blog skills, by the end of this guide, you’ll be prepared to take on 2022 with confidence.

This month’s guide shares:

  • How to build genuine relationships with your clients
  • Why networking matters and how you can start now
  • Tips to ensure meaningful and successful collaborations

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It’s time to conduct an audit:

Review the way you run your business to determine if your processes are serving your goals and your clients best. Jen Taylor shows you how. Marketing is an important part of your business, so while you’re at it, take the time to review your social media strategy. Aleya Harris teaches you which metrics to track and how to think about your reach, shares and engagement so you can achieve success in the new year.

Review your reports and set new goals:

The key to organizing your business for an upcoming year is understanding what worked and what didn’t the year prior. And where do you find these learnings? In your business data. Claire Bough reveals the 5 year-end reports that you can use to create new business goals around pricing, lead nurture, conversion and more.

Don’t overlook your website:

A well-maintained website attracts and retains clients on a regular basis. Jorden Kentris shares 8 steps to assess your website’s strengths and discover areas for improvement. And don’t forget that your website is also one of the most powerful messaging platforms that you have for your business. Also known as your blog. Julianne Smith shares expert advice for keeping your blog going strong and preparing you for success.

What's Inside

There is no better time than the present to conduct an audit to see if your business processes are working in the best interest of your goals and clients. As the new year approaches, learn expert tips from Jen on how to conduct an audit of your business to evaluate your client journey and internal operations.

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Aleya Harris
Reviewing your social media is a great way to understand how effective your marketing efforts are. Aleya is sharing the top metrics to track and how to think about reach, shares, and engagement so you can better understand your social media performance. Use these learnings to determine if your social media strategy is actually helping to grow your business and establish profitable relationships.

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Claire BoughUnderstanding what worked and what didn’t last year is essential to planning for the future. Learn how to identify these insights in your business data so you can leverage these learnings to set strategic goals. Claire reveals the 5 year-end reports that will help you build new goals around pricing, lead nurturing, conversion and more.

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Jordan KentrisA well-maintained website is more likely to attract more clients and keep existing ones coming back. So when it comes to auditing your business processes, don’t overlook your website. Jorden outlines eight steps for evaluating your website’s strengths and areas for improvement to help you keep your business going strong in the new year.

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Julianne SmithDon’t forget that your website houses one of your business’s most effective messaging tools: your blog! Find out how to generate content ideas, set aside time for posting, avoid blogging don’ts and improve your search engine optimization (SEO). Get expert advice from Julianne on how to keep your blog going strong and prepare yourself for success.

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Disclaimer: The advice featured in this guide and on the blog was sourced from our community members for sharing general information and knowledge. For specific legal, financial, tax, mental health and professional advice, please consult an authorized professional.