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4 Tailwind Features That Will Save You Time & Grow Your Business on Pinterest

Pinterest has 250 million monthly users, 81% of whom are female and ready to purchase—which means that as a business owner, you need to be on Pinterest! A whopping 87% of Pinterest users have made a purchase because of something they saw on Pinterest.

Sounds good, right? But just like any other social media platform, the big question is how to use the platform to its fullest potential. How and when do I pin things, and what content should I schedule?

Having a Pinterest scheduler like Tailwind can save you hours of manual pinning, which is time consuming, and hours searching for quality content. Without it, you could waste 2 to 3 hours a day just pinning/sharing relevant content to your boards.

Let’s look at 4 Tailwind features that can help your business on Pinterest:


With Tailwind, you will need to schedule content to keep your calendar full. Tailwind allows you to schedule pins at any times you choose, but where they excel is in helping create a schedule just for you.  Tailwind has billions of data points, and you can use all of that data to your advantage by letting Tailwind figure out the best times to pin your content. This makes it easier to get your content in front of the eyes of your ideal audience.


Similar to group boards, a tribe is a group collaboration board within the platform.  It allows you to schedule content directly from the tribe. This allows you to grow in visibility, even with a small following in Pinterest.

As a tribe member, you have a similar niche/content to others so you can help your fellow tribemates out by pinning similar content. (You can be removed from the tribe by the owner if you are not abiding by the rules.) This great group effort means that your pins are being repinned and therefore gaining more exposure.


Tailwind provides analytics about your pins so you can strategically repurpose your best-performing content. You can also analyze your data to see if your group board strategy is effective or not. This is crucial because over the years, group boards have become a dumping ground for some contributors to pin their pins. Because these contributors are not sharing other pins on their group boards, a group board strategy won’t be effective unless you have actively-sharing board members. Fortunately, Tailwind can provide analytics about how many times your pins are being shared from a group board.


The Smart Loop feature allows you to “pin it and forget it” as it recycles or “loops” your best pins. Previously, you had to schedule all your pins manually, which means that it’s easy to overlook scheduling some of your most popular pins for a month or two, or even longer. Smart Loop is a great option for your evergreen content that you want consistently pinned throughout the year.

There is an additional option to set up seasonal loops which have a start and stop date and will automatically loop your seasonal pins during the time frame you choose.

Finally, Tailwind has added a few extra tools to help save you a lot of time with scheduling:

  • The Tailwind browser extension in Chrome makes scheduling easy, and depending on the number of pins you pin each day, it should only take you between 1-2 hours per week to do all your scheduling. The browser extension allows you to schedule pins from any website. It also allows you to pin to multiple boards or add it to your Tailwind Tribes.
  • The shuffle feature allows you to shuffle where the pins fall on your schedule.
  • The lock feature locks in the times a particular pin is scheduled to go out. This way, you can shuffle the rest of your pins without that pin being affected.
  • The Interval Scheduler allows you to set a specific interval for a pin you post to multiple boards.
  • Board Lists help you pin your new blog post to your group boards with one click, saving you time.
  • Batch pinning allows you to schedule multiple pins at one time.
  • The Smart Feed shows you pins based on what you have liked in the past. Because you’re seeing more of what you like, you are more likely to read pins or save them for later.


Overall, Tailwind is a straightforward platform with an easy-to-understand layout. They also have great customer support if you ever have an issue. If you use Pinterest for business, you shouldn’t be without this valuable tool.

Want to learn more about Pinterest for Business? Get our Ultimate Guide to Pinterest for Business here.

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