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Why You Need to Host a Podcast (and How to Get Started)

Why You Need to Host a Podcast (and How to Get Started)
Photo of Geomyra of Coaching for Creatives by Iris Mannings Photography

Why You Need to Host a Podcast… Now is Your Time

Have you ever considered now is the time to host a podcast? Over the past few years, the podcast world has seen a spike in shows, listeners and interest. One of the best decisions that I made was to start my podcast. What felt very intimidating at first, turned out to be needed for myself, my audience and my overall business growth

Podcasting has taught me that by creating a show, you have the power and convenience to reach an audience from around the world. You have the opportunity to create content that can drive your sales and exposure. With solid content, you’re able to market your service offerings to people that are the perfect fit for your business. Lastly, podcasting can help you build a community of like-minded people.

How to Host a Podcast: How to Get Started 

Although it may seem like a daunting task from the outside, podcasting is not as challenging as it may seem. Just like with everything else, podcasting can be as simple or complex as we make it. The key is showing up and getting started! 

The first thing you want to do when you’re ready to host a podcast is use HoneyBook to track your tasks and responsibilities. Next, you want to decide on the overall scope and topic of your show. Do you plan to have a business podcast? Are you sharing personal stories? What will you educate your audience on?

Next, decide if you plan to host a solo show or plan to bring on guests. Something else to consider is (realistically) how often do you plan to distribute your podcast. Once a week? Twice a month? Timing is everything; thus, you want to block off time to work on your show. This includes drafting episode ideas, writing, recording, editing, uploading, marketing and so forth. 

Lastly, work smarter and not harder by using the resources available to you. Do you know someone with a podcast? Be sure to reach out to them or someone with a course related to podcasting. Something else to consider is outsourcing time-consuming components such as editing and marketing your podcast.

Stop Reinventing the Wheel & Repurpose Your Content

Podcasting also allows you the option to repurpose your show and show notes via a blog and social media posts on platforms such as LinkedIn, YouTube and more. By repurposing your show content, you can save time, money and resources because you aren’t reinventing the wheel. You’re able to maximize your time so that you can focus on creating fresh content as well. As a show guest, you may also be able to use your recorded interview on various platforms to get your message across to potential clients. 

Being a guest on a podcast is a privilege that you need to maximize. Podcasting allows potential clients to get to know you personally without the distractions of social media. By gaining access to the show’s audience, you’re able to reach people that may not be as familiar with you. Thus, you are exposing your business to potential clients that may be interested in your products or services.

Get Those Leads

Podcasting provides an opportunity to generate additional sales leads. By using your podcasting platform, you are able to self-promote and promote other companies that you are in alignment with. Affiliate income opportunities are available each time you publish a show. During a commercial break, in the show notes or within the intro or outro, you can promote a product or service as well. By promoting a downloadable resource, you can receive additional email addresses for your lead magnet. Once you have the listener in your sales funnel, it’s time to nurture the lead through your email sequence and grab the sale! 

Come One, Come All!

Something to keep in mind when starting your podcast is being accessible to all. This means that along with the audio recordings, it is ideal to include detailed show notes that may be accessed on a blog or similar platform. By uploading the podcast transcript, you are being inclusive of those that may not be able to hear the episode. When uploading and distributing your podcast, stream to various platforms such as ApplePodcasts, GooglePodcast, Spotify, YouTube, iHeart Radio, etc. This will ensure that your audience can enjoy your show on the platform of their choice.

Be Our Guest

When you start to host a podcast and begin brainstorming topics for your show, make a list of guests that may speak clearly and authentically to the topic. It is best to have a pitch template to send to the potential guest so that your “ask” is clear. The pitch template may include:

  1. Details about who you are and a synopsis of the show.
  2. A link to listen to a few episodes along with the corresponding blog post and show notes.
  3. Information about other guests that have agreed to interview on your show.
  4. Details about your listeners so that the guest gets a better understanding of your audience.
  5. A realistic interview time slot so that the guest knows what is required of them timewise. This is also an excellent opportunity to take advantage of the HoneyBook online meeting scheduler to manage your podcasting calendar.
  6. A scheduling link and guest intake form to be completed by the show guest or someone on their team.
  7. Lastly, it is essential to follow up with a guest  if the proposed  time frame isn’t a good fit.

Bonus Tip: How to Be a Guest on a Podcast

Pitch It Perfect

  1. There’s no time like the present to pitch yourself to be on someone else’s podcast. Yes, it may be a bit daunting deciding to put yourself out there. However, it is just as important to get out there and use other people’s platforms to promote yourself and your offers. The more opportunities you have to be seen and heard, the better! 
  2. A few quick tips for pitching to be a guest on a show:
  3. Research shows that are a great fit for your target audience.
  4. Be in alignment with the show host so that the interview feels authentic and flows well.
  5. Create a podcast “One Sheet,” which highlights who you are, what you do and how you will serve the show’s audience.
  6. Build out a press kit or page on your website that highlights prior speaking engagements or interviews from other shows you have been on.
  7. Write a few variations of your bio and a few headshot options the show host may choose from.
  8. Shoot for the stars and do a search on interviews that were done by people you admire. Make a note of the shows that they have been on, and pitch to those as well if fitting.
  9. Block off specific time to work on sending pitch emails to the shows you want to be featured on.
  10. Block off time to follow up on the emails and pitches that you send.

Lastly, I want to leave you with one of my favorite quotes, “You can’t get hired for the job you don’t apply for.” What are you waiting for? This is your year to launch and host a podcast and to be featured on the shows you love! Good luck!

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