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Learn how you can gain more confidence and become a changemaker in business with Erika Tebbens 

Episode 57: How to be a changemaker with Erika Tebbens

💡Successful business owners are not afraid to evolve. You have to surrender to the process, even when it feels uncomfortable. 

As an independent business owner, you have the opportunity to create lasting impact with your business. You have the power to be a changemaker. In this episode, marketing strategist and author Erika Tebbens explains how you can gain more confidence and become a changemaker in business. From testifying before members of the House Subcommittee on Agriculture and Nutrition to running for office when asked to, Erika shares her experience in how we can turn our mission into a movement.

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How to get comfortable with making sales

When you start a service or product-based business, it’s normal to feel awkward about making sales. The assumption people make is that once you are successful, that awkward feeling will go away. 

The truth is that you may still experience it from time to time, especially when you’re scaling your business and increasing your prices. However, selling is a skill that you can build and improve upon over time, which will help you feel more comfortable with it. 

One way to get more comfortable with sales is to start with a no-brainer offer that you feel confident in. If someone says no, it won’t crush you because you’re so confident in the offer that you know you can sell it to someone else. 

How to be a changemaker in your industry

Small business owners are in an amazing position to create positive change in the world. You don’t have to wait until your business makes a ton of money to start making a positive impact. Your impact is determined by several factors, such as how you engage with your community and treat your team members. The companies you partner with for tools and training opportunities also make a difference. Are you partnering with companies who share your values?

Are you developing a positive team culture, even with contractors? Paying your team well instead of trying to pay as little as possible has a major impact on your industry as a whole. 

Being a changemaker means getting extremely clear on what your values are as a business owner and sticking to them. Sometimes being a values-aligned business isn’t the flashiest choice, but that doesn’t mean you won’t see success. 

When you design your sales and offerings around your values, you’ll feel great about putting them out into the world, and the process will feel even more rewarding. 

Turning your mission into a movement 

At this stage in her business, Erika is looking to connect with people who want to turn their mission into a movement. They want to learn the strategy it takes to get their message out far and wide because it can help people.

In 2016, Erika testified before members of the House Subcommittee on Agriculture and Nutrition about her family’s experience receiving government food assistance while she was pregnant and her husband was on active duty in the Navy. She used the experience as inspiration for the title of her book, You’ve Got This, because of all the big things she’s done in her life that she never thought she could do. 

Erika gets frustrated when smart, talented, and capable people think they can’t do big or difficult things in their lives. She wrote her book for people who want to do something meaningful with their lives but don’t think they’re capable enough. 

This message became Erika’s movement, and she uses her business to push her movement forward. All business owners have an opportunity to make a difference like Erika has if they are intentional about their values and mission. 

Follow your curiosity to create change in your business

The first step to becoming a changemaker is to be a curious person. Explore things that interest you and ask good questions. When it comes to your business, ask yourself what feels great and what doesn’t. When something doesn’t feel great, ask yourself why. How can you change what you’re doing or offering? 

Don’t be afraid to try things even if you aren’t sure whether or not they’ll work out. Checking in with yourself as you try new things will help you determine what practices are sustainable and which ones aren’t. 

Once you start gathering your own data, you can share it with others in a mastermind or as a free resource. Being open about your knowledge is how you become a changemaker in your community.

The biggest differentiator between the businesses that succeed and the ones that fail

Erika believes that the biggest differentiator between the businesses that succeed and the ones that fail is learning the essentials of business. Creative people often fall into the business world because they love making something and want to offer it to people, but they don’t know the essentials of running a business. Taking time to learn business basics like marketing and sales will go a long way.

Erika also thinks that successful business owners are not afraid to evolve. You have to surrender to the process, even when it feels uncomfortable. 

Important sections of the conversation

  • (1:50) How to get comfortable with making sales
  • (8:48) Creating an offer you feel excited about
  • (15:14) How to be a changemaker in your industry
  • (22:34) Turn your mission into a movement
  • (31:00) Follow your curiosity to create change
  • (39:29) The biggest differentiator between the businesses that succeed and the ones that fail

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