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How to Nurture Leads through Email Marketing

You have a great website, beautiful social media feed, strong calls to action, and detailed information about your services. Your lead generation efforts seem to be working, because you attract new inquiries left and right. You’ve captured the attention of potential buyers who are genuinely interested in your services. But for some reason. . . they’re not buying.

So, what’s the problem? Why aren’t you converting leads into new business?

It’s simple: the “know, like, and trust” factor has not been not fully established. And not everyone is ready to buy until it is.


Eight years ago, I was investing so much into online marketing. And although the leads were rolling in, the conversions weren’t. The return on my investment was very low, and I knew I had to find a way to stand out among the growing competition. It wasn’t until I implemented email marketing that I noticed a huge shift in how leads engaged and responded to my offerings. Once I incorporated an automated nurture email series into my lead-onboarding process, I was able to educate potential customers and establish trust from the get-go.

My nurture sequence is a consecutive series of emails that provide free information, insights, and resources. This allow leads to get to know me, like me, and establish the trust needed to want to do business with me. When these components come together, I’m able to form a strong relationship with each potential client through this consistent communication that provides value and call to action. This has helped me keep the lead’s attention, keep their trust, and convert more bookings in the end.

Here are the keys to getting started with email marketing and creating an effective nurture sequence:

1) Streamline your email marketing

Sign up for a platform that allows you to build your email list and send automated emails. I use ConvertKit and absolutely love that I can integrate each lead that comes into my HoneyBook contact form through the use of Zapier integrations. The moment a new lead is “zapped” over to ConvertKit, my nurture series is triggered and the automated messages begin.

2) Introduce yourself

Start by including a personal introduction and telling people what to expect next. Let them know who you are and what you do, and try to show off your personality and create a real connection. Don’t forget to mention that you will be sending them a series of emails that will be valuable to their experience.

3) Tell your readers about your business

Use this opportunity to share details about your company, showcase your professionalism, and get them to like you even more.



4) Showcase your services/work

 This is the opportunity to share what you do and what you’re known for. Share accolades, awards, and anything else that helps you stand out.

5) Provide education

 Provide valuable content in the form of free resources like guides, checklists, videos, blog posts, or links to other materials. Share your very best content to establish yourself as a trusted expert.

6) Offer calls-to-action

 Every single email should include a call-to-action of some sort. This can be in the form of a question to respond to, a link to book a consultation, a download, an invitation to connect on social media, or ultimately an offer to the close the sale.

7) Follow through with a great client experience

 Using workspaces and workflows in HoneyBook has helped me level up my business and provide an elevated experience to my clients. I manage every single lead and client in HoneyBook, so I can easily track, follow up, and stay on top of it all. Being able to follow up your nurture email series with prompt, personalized service will give your business another huge selling factor.


If you’re ready to start implementing these strategies right away, just download my nurture series email templates.

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