Man in sunshine wearing a hat and sunglasses waves on the cover of Tik Tok for business guide.
Man in sunshine wearing a hat and sunglasses waves on the cover of Tik Tok for business guide.

How to use TikTok for business

Are you wondering what TikTok is all about? TikTok may appear to be all about trends, lip-syncing, and dance videos but it can also be a valuable channel for you to reach and interact with your target audience on a personal level. With over one billion monthly active users, it’s a social media powerhouse that every independent business should consider as a marketing tool for promoting their services.

TikTok has proven itself to be a highly engaging platform with a massive reach that can offer your business a plethora of opportunities. In this guide, we go over TikTok basics. We cover everything from getting started on the platform to using TikTok to meet your business goals, maintaining client relationships, generating leads, and more!

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How to use TikTok for business

Get started on TikTok:

Before you start practicing your lip-syncing and browsing for a trending sound, you first need to learn the fundamentals. Gabby Connacher walks you through the TikTok basics.

Launch your marketing strategy:

It takes time and intention to increase your follower base, that’s where a TikTok marketing strategy comes in. Once you’re ready to start posting, Andrew Oentoro shares his tips on how to develop a plan that will support your business goals. Then, learn how to showcase your unique brand. Tani Lopez shares six easy techniques for building your brand on TikTok.

Generate more leads for your business:

Never forget that TikTok is a public platform and you can use it to introduce your business to new clients. In other words, each engaged follower is a possible booking. Amanda Warfield shows you how to leverage this platform to capture new leads. Then, learn how to expand your reach with tips on launching ads, capturing leads, and creating compelling content from Claire Bough.

What's inside

TikTok fundamentals

Gabby Connacher

Need to know how to get started on TikTok? Gabby guides you through the fundamental steps of creating an account, exploring the app, making your first TikTok, and more. Feel more confident using TikTok and making it work for your business!

Use TikTok to achieve your business goals

Andre Oentoro

Learn how to launch your TikTok marketing strategy. Andrew shares his insight on best practices and how you can create a plan that supports your business goals. . Get the full potential out of your TikTok account and get ready to watch your business grow!

Claire Bough

To create a successful lead generation strategy you need to think about the entire client experience. Claire teaches you how to create a full-funnel lead strategy from content and ads to your landing pages and a nurture sequence. TikTok will help you reach new customers, now seal the deal with an expert strategy.

Generate organic leads on TikTok

Amanda Warfield

The whole reason you’re on TikTok is to gain exposure and get your business in front of new potential clients. To seize the full potential of this platform you need a content strategy for lead generation. Amanda shares her tips on marketing your business to capture new leads so you can turn those engaged followers into new clients!

Build your brand on TikTok

Tani Lopez

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, TikTok is a powerful marketing platform that can help you reach your business goals.  Learn how to highlight your distinct brand with these six simple techniques from Tani that will propel your business forward.

Disclaimer: The advice featured in this guide and on the blog was sourced from our community members for sharing general information and knowledge. For specific legal, financial, tax, mental health and professional advice, please consult an authorized professional.