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How to create a strategy for TikTok lead generation

Creating a strategy for TikTok lead generation can help you make the most out of the growing platform. Learn how to gain more potential customers through successful content, ads, and organic reach. 

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If you aren’t using TikTok for your business yet, it’s a great time to take advantage of its fast growth. It’s already the third largest social media platform, right behind Facebook and Instagram, and its user base is still growing. 

One of the best ways to use TikTok is to broaden your business reach. Its algorithm and focus on short-form videos allow the potential for hundreds of thousands to millions of users to view your videos. What sets it apart from other platforms is that you don’t need a huge following to go viral on TikTok.

Though it’s not known exactly how the algorithm works, TikTok still offers a better opportunity than other platforms to deliver important information about your product or services to potential customers. By implementing a lead generation strategy, those potential customers can turn into valuable leads and, eventually, paying clients. 

Here’s how to generate more leads using TikTok. 

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Understand your target audiences on TikTok

Even if you aren’t on TikTok you probably know that the audience skews young. In fact, 47.4% of users are below age 30. But don’t let that deter you– it doesn’t mean you can’t reach an older audience for your business. In fact, it likely means that your audience is more niche, and you can create highly relevant content for them on the platform. 

If you haven’t already, define the ideal client for your business. You can use their client avatar to determine how to find and speak to them on TikTok. 

Start using TikTok casually to train your algorithm to understand what you’re looking for. The more videos you watch and engage with from your ideal client base, the more TikTok will show you additional content from others like them. This algorithm is what makes it more beneficial for independent businesses like you to reach a wider audience. 

Once the algorithm is attuned to you, you can find more TikTok users who match your ideal client. Start taking note of what kind of content they create. If their profiles are public, you can also view the types of videos they like. 

This initial research can help you figure out how your audience uses TikTok and what kind of content they engage with the most, so you can gather all the information you need. You can use your own target audience as inspiration for the types of videos you can get started with. 

Use TikTok lead generation ads

Like the platforms that came before it, you can invest in social media lead generation through TikTok’s ad platform.

You can set lead generation as your advertising objective as you’re building an ad, and this means the primary CTA in your ad will lead to an instant form instead of a landing page. 

Without leaving TikTok, people who view and click on your ad can provide their basic information, such as name and email, in exchange for an offer. For example, you could have a TikTok ad about graphic design templates that you offer. 

Once they click the CTA, they’ll see a form that they can fill out to download the templates. With this example, the templates will act as a lead magnet that draws your leads to your business.

Ads can be a great way to reach your target audiences quickly and capture more information about them as part of the ad analytics you can review. 

Use organic TikTok marketing 

While ads can give you a quick boost, organic TikTok lead generation can help you find more leads over time. Depending on what your budget allows, you should aim for both organic and paid ad content as part of a robust lead gen strategy. 

As part of your organic strategy, focus on creating videos for your target audience that can use the algorithm to your advantage. Some best practices include: 

  • Quick videos – On TikTok, shorter is better. Though you have up to three minutes to record a video, try to start with shorter videos that are less than a minute. The first two to three seconds are the most important in order to capture people’s attention quickly.
  • Trends – Videos that gain the most visibility on TikTok tend to include topics, audio, and videos that are already trending. Keep an eye on the sounds and songs that are trending, and see if you can create video ideas based on them. This is how you can get creative tying your business in with a trending topic. 
  • Niche topics – This shouldn’t be difficult for you as an independent business owner, but make sure you keep your content niche. That means you’re posting content related to your business in different ways, but not straying into other topics you might find interesting from a personal standpoint. This will keep your profile highly relevant to your target audience.
  • Informational content – Funny, entertaining content does great (you’ve definitely seen how well TikTok dances do!) But, informative videos also perform well and offer a great opportunity for businesses. Create short video tutorials or film yourself explaining topics that relate to your business. The key is to make sure viewers will get something out of it– what are they learning?
  • Don’t just tell, show! – Viewers are more likely to remain engaged with a video that demonstrates visual examples and walkthroughs of the concepts you’re talking about. 

Keep in mind that these best practices also apply to paid ads. Especially if you’re boosting organic posts to serve as lead gen ads, you want to make sure they’re already highly engaging. 

Optimize your landing pages

When you aren’t using ads with instant forms, you still want to make sure you’re allowing audiences to easily share their information with you. This is where your landing pages come in. For both organic and paid strategies, you want to make sure your landing pages offer a simple, consistent experience. 

Landing pages from your TikTok profile

Like Instagram, TikTok only allows you to share a single link from your profile and doesn’t allow link sharing from individual posts. With such limited real estate, you want to ensure you’re linking to someplace that brings value to your business. This could be a Linktree or a designated landing page. 

Whichever you choose, use your organic landing page to drive your audience to engage further with your brand. That might mean introducing them to your blog posts, services, or lead magnets. 

Organic lead generation means your followers will need to take multiple steps to leave the platform and submit their information on your website, so the goal should be to make that as seamless as possible. 

Landing pages from your ads

If you’re using a landing page for your ads, make sure you include a clear call to action and design a quick and easy experience. Visitors who land on this page should know exactly why they’re there (there’s a clear connection to your content and profile), and it should be simple for them to take action. 

For example,  an ad about graphic design templates should lead to a landing page all about those templates and include a simple form that people can use to enter their information in exchange for the templates. The continuity between the content of the ad and the content of the landing page ensures a higher likelihood to convert. 

Nurture your leads from TikTok

Once you’ve captured new leads from TikTok, you should put the same effort into nurturing them as you did to capture them. 

As soon as leads offer their information, move them into your nurture process. This should be quick and personalized. With HoneyBook, you can set up a unique automation for each contact form you use. That means you can use a unique form just for your TikTok landing page that kicks off a nurture as soon as someone fills it out.

When you build your nurtures, consider what content, products, and services they’ll resonate with based on the content they saw on TikTok. 

If someone watched your content about graphic design templates and downloaded them, your nurture could include tips for using the templates and design best practices before pointing them to your additional services. 

Add TikTok lead generation to your marketing toolkit

TikTok can be an excellent addition to your marketing toolkit, especially when it comes to lead generation. Once you find your niche on the platform, it’s fun to test new things, use trends in creative ways, and see what works! The fact that it’s still so new means that you get more freedom to play and test things. 

Make the most out of your strategy by leveraging HoneyBook to capture, nurture, and convert your leads. With HoneyBook, you can create multiple intake forms with automated sequences that you get full control over. Communicate with your leads and send files about your business!

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