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Know your clientflow: The data behind how top professionals serve their clients

Do you ever wish you could read your client’s mind? That would make delivering top-of-the-line services so much easier. We know that understanding what your client is thinking can be challenging. That’s why we conducted a study to find out what matters most to clients.

In partnership with Visa, HoneyBook surveyed 1,500 people who hired independent businesses to provide specific B2B (business-to-business) and B2C (business-to-customer) services. What we found? Client expectations are different between B2B and B2C services, but many overlap.

Here, we’ve detailed the highlights from our study about what clients really want when they book services with an independent business owner—and how you can optimize your clientflow to deliver on them every time.

Want the TL;DR? Check out the Know your clientflow: Get our data report on exceeding client expectations blog post.

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Know your clientflow

Selling services

Selling your services is one of the most important steps in your clientflow. Why? Clients decide whether or not they’ll book you in their research and information gathering stage (aka, your marketing stage). Read the report to learn how to make sure your prospects pick you and become your clients.

Booking clients

In B2B and B2C markets, just over half of clients rate companies as doing well in offering comparable proposals that make service selection a breeze. Are you in the 50% that does it well? Understand if your proposals are effective or holding you back. Download the data report to learn more.

Managing projects

Once people have selected your service, signed, and paid, the communication about progress and deliverables will assure them they’ve made the right choice. Download the data report to read about the whats, hows, and whens, of client communication during project execution and delivery.

Continuing relationships

If all has gone well throughout the clientflow, the decision to continue working with you should feel like a natural next step. Learn how clients think about feedback and referrals after you’ve delivered your service. Download the report to understand how to create strong relationships with return clients and get more qualified clients through referrals.

Disclaimer: The advice featured in this guide and on the blog was sourced from our community members for sharing general information and knowledge. For specific legal, financial, tax, mental health and professional advice, please consult an authorized professional.