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The step-by-step guide to creating raving fans (and selling) with a welcome sequence

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Do you start consult calls like this?

“Hi, my name is XX, I sell XX, and it costs $XX?”

I’m guessing the answer is NO. Your sales calls probably wouldn’t go super well if all you did was talk about yourself and money. I do imagine that you talk about yourself and the cost of your services at some point during your consult call. Otherwise, what’s the point?

So the next time you wonder if a welcome sequence is too much of a jump for you, realize that it’s a digital version of something that you already have in your business. A consult call!

Why do you need an email marketing welcome sequence?

Your welcome sequence is the first impression an online lead has of you and is made to take the place of interactions that you would have in person with potential collaborators or clients. It’s your chance to introduce yourself and share how you help. And that introduction isn’t a nice to have… your email marketing welcome sequence is a must have if you want to make members of your email list your raving fans.

And by the way, that’s the goal.

It’s called email marketing for a reason. Your list is a great community builder, but it’s also a sales tool. This doesn’t mean you should be door-to-door encyclopedia salesperson salesy (please don’t), but you will sell sometimes.

What will someone know for sure after going through your welcome sequence?

They will know for sure if they are your person or not. Your welcome sequence will share who you are, what you do, and how it helps your clients. They’ll also get a feel of your personality so you’ll seem like less of a [insert your profession here] and more of a person who happens to do what you do really well.

Why you should sell in your email marketing welcome sequence:

Your email list is a sales tool and you want to see if people joining your list are potential customers/clients. If they are absolutely not going to purchase from you, they are going to unsubscribe when you first make an offer. And you have to be okay with that. You don’t want people who don’t want what you have around. So don’t avoid selling in order to keep them around.

Now… what should you sell in your welcome sequence? 

Probably not your $10,000 coaching package. You’ll want to start a lot smaller than that. 

When implementing best practices for email marketing welcome sequences for clients, I suggest that they sell a product in one of two categories:

a) A digital product under $50 


b) A significant discount on a product or service.

You want your offer to be close to an impulse purchase so a digital product between $10-$15 or a limited time discount (for example, 40% off for 3 days) on a digital product is great to repel bad leads (aka people who never buy) and attract quality leads (aka people more drawn to what you offer).

In other words, you want to offer a sale now to get the bad leads off of your list and keep around the leads with more potential to purchase.

What emails go in your welcome sequence?

Now that we’re done with the backstory, I’ll breakdown the topics of the eight emails that should go in your welcome sequence (or you can skip ahead and download my welcome sequence funnel map where it’s all broken down for you… think of this as an email marketing strategy template!).

Your welcome sequence is built around the opt-in that you shared in order to encourage leads to join your list. And that opt-in is the base of the bridge that (eventually) leads to your offer that you’re going to pitch later on in the sequence.

Email #1

“Welcome to my list! Here’s how the opt-in will help your solve problem X.”

Email #2

“Here is the biggest pain point my product solves.”

Email #3

“Here’s what your business/life would be like, if problem X was already solved.” Hint that you have a solution for them soon!

Email #4

“Here’s the solution my clients use to solve problem X.” [Note: This is where you introduce your offer (aka the discount or low-priced digital product).]

Email #5

“Let me share the key feature of [offer] and the benefit it will be to you as you solve problem X.”

Email #6

“This is who this product is perfect for!” [Note: At this point, share testimonials from clients/customers who have used this product or an offering of yours similar to this product.]

Email #7

“Your offer/discount goes away today!”

Email #8 

Why didn’t you buy? Either way, thanks for sticking around! Here are some of my top free resources and here’s what’s next.”

If they are still on your list by email #8, this is great! Offer them a few free resources (aka your best opt-ins and blog posts) and let them know what will happen next on your list. Even without a purchase, they can still be a raving fan with the potential to purchase another (larger) offer in the future after more nurturing on your email list.

If you’re looking for an email marketing strategy template, get your free welcome sequence funnel map here!

Ready to have email marketing do the heavy lifting for you? Get our Ultimate Guide to Email Marketing here.

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