Facebook Groups etiquette is such a hot topic, from how to showcase your knowledge without sounding salesy to what’s the best way to introduce yourself in a group. Oftentimes, introducing yourself in a group is your one “legal” opportunity to talk about your business and links without the post or comment being moderated due to a desire to keep groups focused on the topics at hand.

The ideal Facebook Group introduction post has three key components: the mission statement, the why, and the ask.
First, state in no more than one sentence what it is you do. The ideal mission statement addresses who you are, what benefit you provide to your ideal client, and who your ideal client is. Feel free to tag your business within the context of the sentence (i.e. I am a [y our role] at [tag your bu siness] that provides [abc b enefits] to [xyz idea l clients]).
Next, state why you joined the group and what you hope to get out of it. In the case of the Rising Tide Society, you might say that you’re looking for community, you’re seeking to learn more about business, or even a combination of the two.
Finally, close out your introduction with an ask. Ask how you can best support others, if anyone has questions related to what you do (i.e. how to perform X marketing task or why you enjoy using Y lens best), or another related question. This starts the conversation and indicates your willingness to “pitch in,” a good mentality to have in any group! Don’t forget to answer the questions that are asked too!
Introducing yourself in a group should be done soon after joining the group and then only after a long absence. If you’re commenting on others’ posts regularly and leaning into the conversation, introducing yourself won’t be necessary as others will know who you are.
Once you’ve introduced yourself in a Facebook Group, there are a couple other quick administrative tasks you should handle so that when others want to get in touch, they know how.
- Link your business in your profile, so that people can find not only your business Facebook page, but also your website contact form, should they wish to get in touch.
- Put a call to action in your personal profile bio (or simply provide some details about who you are).
An example of someone who does this well is Kait Masters (the Head of Moderation at the Rising Tide Society). Let’s take a peek:
Her profile intro tells us that she works for RTS and also owns her own business, Larkspur + Laurel. We can immediately click through to either of those places to learn more. We can also read her intro section to learn that she loves to travel, she’s a painter, and she’s a passionate MG advocate.
Following these tips will help you stay in the good graces of Facebook Group moderators while also promoting your business in an authentic and non-icky way. Remember, good conversation and strong relationships are two of the best ways to build a business, and authentic interactions in Facebook Groups are a good way to work towards that goal.