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Chapter Highlights: Tricites, TN

Our TuesdaysTogether chapter has been absolutely amazing! When I started it last year we had 5 members and it sky rocketed to 174 so fast! We have only had several meetings but there is such a great need for the mind set of Community over Competition in the area. Not only have we learned so much from one another, the topics of the Tuesdays Together, networked with some amazing vendors, helped one another out, worked with one another on charity events but we have created friendships that are everlasting! This group has some amazing people in it! I never imagined it could blossom into this but it has and I thank God for it! Thank you all for creating The Rising Tide…it has been a true blessing.


What does #communityovercompetition mean to you?
Community over competition means that we put others over ourselves which is what a lot of us want for our lives and our businesses is to help others. It goes beyond our gift….we are here for a bigger help others. Through helping others the outreach can be much greater and help even more people.
What has been one of your favorite TuesdaysTogether moments?
When we had a styled shoot and included ALL vendors. We all got to bond over our passions and got to share our gifts. Also we had the DJ end the night with some dancing…so that was so much fun dancing the night away! We really love one another and couldn’t wish for any better group of people.
What has been your favorite monthly topic for your TuesdaysTogether gatherings? Why?
Lead Generation, One because our speaker was absolutely awesome! It was Jimmy Hill, DJ from J&D Productions and he was so thorough and just overall made it funny and light hearted for us. We learned so much from him.
Where does your chapter typical meet up?
We meet up at different venues that way to introduce other venues and business owners to our group and the cause
What is something that you do as a chapter that works well for you, and that you think would be helpful for other chapters?
I think by having light hearted meetings in between the topic/speaker meetings is very important. The networking and fun meetings are important to help you bond and not always show up having to be serious.

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