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How HoneyBook Scheduling Elevated My Initial Consultations

Kelly Grace Photography

I’m a photographer.

But, I’m also a mom and I have a full time day job.

And, I’m also the sales rep, customer service liaison, photo editor, chauffeur, gift shipper, finances coordinator, and any other possible role that comes up when you own your own business.

Sometimes I feel like that UPS commercial—I’m all the “ings” you could possibly need, but it gets exhausting. Plus, it gets even more confusing when you follow the “streamlining” advice from all the experts.

“Use this program for this, it’ll make it faster!”

“Oh, and this program is perfect for this, and you can make them work together with this program.”

It makes my head spin, so that’s why when HoneyBook introduced their new online meeting scheduler, I jumped on it fast.

I knew there was no “streamlining” effort that could replace simplicity. As often as humanly possible, I want to have all things in one place, and my experience with the scheduling tool confirmed that simplicity and so much more.

How I Used HoneyBook Scheduling to be More Efficient and Organized

When HoneyBook released their new HoneyBook scheduling tool, I knew exactly how I would use it from the get-go: Scheduling new couple consultations.

As a mom with a full time job and a full time business, my windows of time need to be protected by clear boundaries so I can bring my best self to all different areas that need my attention. For that reason, adding in clear cut availability for couple consultations was KEY.

It helped me plan ahead. 

If I know I have a window of time set aside for consultations, I can be sure to keep that time FREE, and devoted to work. If a couple doesn’t schedule for that time, then I have a bonus window to either spend time with my family or work on another aspect of my business.

HoneyBook scheduling tool

I don’t have to feel guilty anymore. 

Boundaries mean more freedom. It’s not that I’m choosing one thing OVER another in a split second decision, but rather that each aspect of my life and business has a time block.

I don’t have to sacrifice family time.

I no longer have to worry about my natural tendency to accommodate my clients (or potential clients) creeping in on my need to serve and show up for my family. Before I had my availability nailed down in HoneyBook scheduling, we’d go back and forth talking about a time that would work for everyone, and I’d ultimately fold to the time that was best for them. It’s okay when it happens once or twice, but it’s really easy to let it fall into a habit.

The HoneyBook online meeting scheduler was easier for my clients and for me. I can easily send a link to my clients with my availability. Then, once they select a time that works best for them, it zooms right to my calendar without even lifting a finger.

This is such a great process, because before I was using a different program for scheduling. It was confusing for my clients to have to pop over to a different site from their email. Plus, I don’t even wanna talk about how many tabs I had to have open on my computer.

If you have a situation in your business where you have the same availability each week, you can even set it as a rolling availability. That means, you don’t have to go in week after week and add that availability in AGAIN. Game changer, right?

Having everything in one place helped me finally cut the costly back and forth. 

Client View: Scheduling Information Page
Client View: Scheduling Confirmation Page

As business owners, we know that “cost” doesn’t just refer to the amount of money spent or saved. In addition to money, things “cost” if they take up your time, your brain space, if they cause you to constantly task-switch, or if they require you to make the same decisions over and over again. I don’t know about you, but I want as little cost necessary associated with my business so I can spend my attention on the things that matter most.

High-End Services Deserve High-End Experiences

In addition to being super easy for my clients and me, having the scheduling tool right inside of HoneyBook helped me create a higher end experience overall.

Because of HoneyBook’s customizable branding, your online meeting scheduler will look cohesive and consistent with your carefully crafted brand. In real people language: That means your clients will see your brand colors and fonts at every turn of the process, even the little button they click on to schedule.

After they schedule, they’ll even get automatic (customizable!) reminders about their appointment, keeping you top of mind with them all the way until your scheduled time to meet.

Client View: Automatic Appointment Reminder

These may seem like small details, but it’s really the little things that make up a luxury experience. Consistency always wins, and this is just another step in that direction for my business and my brand.

Plus, what’s more luxury than when the whole process goes off without a hitch or a hiccup? I’m here for that kind of brand reputation.

The Future of the Scheduling Tool in my Business

I’ve only just begun using the HoneyBook scheduling tool in my business. I have plans in the very near future (once I can get a moment between piano lessons and all the other things) to take advantage of this tool for booking engagement sessions, bridal sessions, and senior sessions, too.

I also plan to use this online meeting scheduler to seamlessly schedule and execute mini-sessions!

Right now, the workflow would look like this:

  • Set up a new event type in HoneyBook scheduling called “Mini-Sessions”
  • Input availability for those mini-sessions in the scheduler.
  • Send the link to clients so they can book.
  • HoneyBook sends me a push notification that a session’s been booked, and then I can send my proposal/invoice and any questionnaires needed to the client.

But, my DREAM workflow would look like this:

  • Client chooses a mini-session slot.
  • Client pays for the slot right after they schedule (automated in HoneyBook).
  • HoneyBook triggers a questionnaire to go out to that client after the online invoices are paid.
  • I take another sip of my coffee, ‘cause I didn’t have to do a dang thing.

Insider scoop: The product team at HoneyBook may or may not be working on something to help that dream workflow happen soon. 😉

Is the HoneyBook scheduling tool right for your business?

If you’re wearing all the hats, the scheduling tool will totally help you donate one or two of ‘em so you can focus on the ones you love wearing most.

It’s great for any business owner who has any type of meeting that needs to be scheduled consistently, and I highly recommend it for a simplified, streamlined process that lends itself to a high end client experience.

How do you conquer scheduling in your business?

Want to learn more? Check out How I Booked 30% More Client Meetings with a Scheduling Tool and How to Turn Initial Client Meetings Into Booked Business.

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