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Instagram Etiquette: Do’s & Don’ts

The world of social media can feel like the closest thing to a wild, wild west in today’s digital society.  But by following our simple rules for Instagram etiquette, you can help tame the wilderness of social media!

Instagram Etiquette will help your followers build trust and engagement.
Instagram Etiquette will help your followers build trust and engagement.

Instagram commenting robots: Have you ever had someone comment something super random on an image? Something that has nothing to do with what you posted? That was most likely a robot. Is there any bigger fail at Instagram etiquette?

There are a bunch of different robots out there that you can pay for, but the commenting one is a big turn-off to potential followers. We know that being social is a huge part of social media, but genuine comments will gain you more followers than automated comments will. Robot commenting is like cold commenting–yes, someone left a comment on your image, but the comment does not mean anything, and if someone see’s a comment from a robot (yes, people can tell!) they are less likely to follow you.


Follow-unfollow method: Another thing to not do when trying to build your Instagram following is to follow people, then unfollow them when they follow you back. This is another cold way of getting followers, and if your followers don’t genuinely care about you and your work, do you really want them as a follower? It’s better to have a few hundred followers who engage with you online than a few thousand followers who don’t care about what you’re posting. Followers ≠ success!


Commenting asking for a follow back: This is similar to the follow-unfollow method, flat out asking someone to follow you is also not the best idea! Instead of asking for a follow back, why not comment on someone’s image and say “wow I love your work! (insert genuine comment that proves you took the time to look at their feed and learn more about them)”. People are more likely to follow you if you show them you took the time to learn more about them.


Using hashtags that are not related to your post: Have you ever looked at a hashtag and saw images that don’t belong in that tag? Those are people who are trying to get recognized under popular hashtags. Most people who do this are looking to gain followers and likes, and of course everyone wants some love from the Instagram community. Remember that if your tags aren’t relevant then it doesn’t matter. If you’re using irrelevant tags, then you won’t be gaining the followers and the likes that you want or need, if you’re trying to find clients and run a business.


Make sure to share who you are!– When clients and fellow creatives find you through Instagram and they don’t already know who you are, make sure they can easily figure that out. Meaning, it’s totally okay (and encouraged) to share about you! personal and professional can mix! Often people have one account for their professional lives and have no outlet for personal things they may want to share. Don’t be afraid to share about you personal life. Your followers want you to be personable with them, they want to know you! Post pictures of yourself and make sure your IG profile picture is of you.


Give credit! Most of you are in the world of styled shoots, weddings and events. If

that’s the case, make sure when you share photos that you give credit to the vendors included! Obviously you don’t always know everyone that’s participating, but it’s a really great idea to tag who you do know. That way you build relationships, allow others to find new vendors to work with and build each other up! For example:


Photography @BrookeMichelleJ

Planning + Styling @AdrianaEvents

Hair + Makeup @saraeartistry

Furniture @WhiteGloveRentals




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