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Using your Fab Factor to turn Leads into Clients on Autopilot

We’d all love to be connecting more with our leads, making them feel special and building relationships daily. But we only have so many hours in a day and, being entrepreneurs, most of us want to spend our precious time working with our existing clients and using our creative superpower. So how can we put all this on autopilot whilst still retaining that personal touch and building real connections with our audience? 

That’s where the power of automation comes in, specifically your automated sales funnel. But not just any sales funnel, one that speaks to your audience builds an emotional connection and has a healthy dose of your very own “fab factor.” Your ideal client needs to feel like you get them, have things in common with them and ultimately as if they could sit across a table in a café and have coffee and cake with you. It’s about establishing engagement, emotion and empowerment through your marketing. How do you make this happen? By implementing your fab factor.

What is Your Fab Factor?

Your fab factor is your unique blend; the thing that makes you, you. To use a French phrase, because I do live in France, it’s your ‘Je ne sais quoi’. The one thing nobody else can have, borrow or use. An example could be your passion for baking. Perhaps baking is a way to relieve stress and helps you get into your happy place. Baking would then be your fab Factor.

This is an amazing way for you to bond with your audience over a shared love or passion. You’d talk about it regularly and inject it into your social media, emails and blog posts as a way to connect with your audience and stand out from the crowd.

Why it’s So Important to Embrace Your Fab Factor

Because sales are like dating, you have to show your fabulous personality to get a second date. When it comes to attracting clients to your business you’re effectively getting them to fall in love with you. For me, my fab factor is my obsession with ABBA. I’m a self-confessed Abbaholic and talk about them all the time. I find ways to link their songs to business tips and ideas, I use their songs in my Instagram Reels and yes, I’m afraid it does involve lip-synching, but my audience loves it. 

I even rewrote the words to ‘Dancing Queen’ and sang it as the opener to a virtual summit for the wedding industry. I refer to them often. So much so that when Abba announced their new Voyage album, I received a ridiculous number of messages from my audience telling me the first thing they thought of when they heard the news was me. That’s a powerful connection built using my fab factor. 

The Attract and Repel Strategy

You only want to attract the people you connect with. Those who want to be part of your community. The others you want to repel and wave goodbye to. Why? Because it’s hard work trying to sell to people who don’t connect with you or what you do. They’re never going to buy from you or work with you because they don’t get you, understand you or have an emotional connection with you.

By allowing your fab factor to shine through you’ll attract the right clients who buy into you and what you do. This makes working with you a no-brainer for them. They’ll also be the ones you’ll love working with and do your best work for.

Pro Tip: Rejection is as important as acceptance and happens to us all. Don’t stress out when someone unsubscribes from your list or unfollows you on social media. By embracing who you are, sharing the things you love and letting people see the real you, the right connections are made. 

Where Do You Start Using Your Fab Factor?

  • Your lead magnet solves a pain point or challenge for your audience and gives value. The most viral freebie right now is a quiz.
  • A nurture sequence, a series of emails you send over a short time that showcases your personal Fab Factor and lets your client leads enter your world.

The all-important question now is how on earth do you inject your fab factor into your sales funnel?

The Fab Factor Formula

I have a five-step formula I’ve created to help me each time I put together a new resource, write a blog post or send out an email. And like so many things in my life it’s been inspired by ABBA.

Step 1: Take a Chance on Me

It all starts with attraction and persuasion. Before you can start wooing your ideal client you have to bring them into your world and onto your email list. How would you entice potential clients to ‘take a chance on you’? What do you want to connect with them over and what could you talk about easily, other than your work?

Step 2:  Honey Honey

Time to tell your potential clients your story. Let them into your world and give them a behind-the-scenes look into what you do and why you do it. And don’t give them the corporate version. Be authentic. People don’t want the curated version of you, they want the real.

Step 3:  Lay All Your Love On Me

Make them feel special but above all else give them value. Showcase your knowledge, prove your worth and place yourself as the expert. BUT remember to keep it fun and fabulous. This is your chance to start convincing them that you’re creating for them.

Step 4: Ring, Ring 

Why don’t you give me a call? It’s sales time. Remind them why they’re part of your community, how you’re the solution to their problem and that it doesn’t have to be complicated. Make it easy for them to book a consultation, meet for coffee or whatever it is you want them to do to take the next step with you. Don’t be frightened to ask for the sale. You’re running a business and clients are the heart of any business.

Step 5: I do, I do, I do, I do, I do

Here are a few ways to let your potential clients know you’d love to work with them: 

  • Share success stories, show the transformation your clients can have by investing in themselves.
  • Don’t be afraid to tell your potential clients what you want them to do next. 
  • Have a very clear call to action.

Once you’ve mastered your fab factor in your sales funnel you can then inject it into everything else you do. Your social media channels are the perfect place to do this along with the about page on your website. At the essence of every fabpreneur, there is an overriding fab factor that is representative of who they are and why their audience loves them.

Want to know what your fab factor is? I hope so because I’ve created a quiz to help you discover what your fab factor is. And there are four possible outcomes. The question is which will yours be?

Take the quiz 

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