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May 2016: What’s happening this month?

May 2016 What's Happening This Month | via the Rising Tide Society

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Can you believe it’s already May 2016? We can’t! But we’re ready for the summer to begin and event season to get in full swing. Here’s what we’re up to this month…

Topic of the Month

This month we are discussing marketing and PR. Be sure to sign-up for the Rising Tide Society newsletter to receive the May guide, which features articles from marketing and PR experts Lauren Carnes, BeInspired PR, and Posh PR.

If you miss it via newsletter, you can always download it on the Education page at You can also find webinars or previous months’ guides on the page.

Mental Health Month

This month we are also recognizing Mental Health Month, which is nationally recognized during the month of May. Mental Health Month has been recognized since 1949 by Mental Health America and its affiliates. 1 in 5 Americans will struggle with a mental illness during their lifetime, and this is a topic that we have seen repeatedly discussed in the Rising Tide Society Facebook group. Please join us this month as we discuss and shed light on this important topic.

The national hashtag for Mental Health Month is #MentalIllnessFeelsLike. Share on social media and the posts will be collected and displayed at

Interested in submitting a blog post on mental health? You can submit one here.

May #TuesdaysTogether

The official date of TuesdaysTogether in May is Tuesday, May 10th. Check out when and where your local group is hosting their TuesdaysTogether on the Join the Movement page. No local group in your area? Apply to be a leader here.

Oh, and remember that time…

Rising Tide Society Summit | via the Rising Tide Society

you raised $40,000!? Yeah, that how much was raised during the Rising Tide Society Summit. That money has gone to support two incredible causes: The U.S. Dream Academy and The School Sessions. You need to check out these two incredible organizations.

What’s happening in June?

Patience, friend! Okay, I’ll tell you when we send out the May Guide. You can sign-up for the newsletter here.

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