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What’s New At HoneyBook: February 2021

Check out the HoneyBook features and initiatives that we launched last December 2020 and in January and February 2021. 

February 2021 HoneyBook Product Updates

And just like that, 2020 is behind us and the new year is well underway. But before we close the book on that unprecedented year, I want to take a moment to reflect on what we went through together. 

Last year was tough, it challenged us in ways we could never have imagined but alongside those challenges came new opportunities for growth and learning as well. In fact, we at HoneyBook drew strength in our moments of uncertainty from the small business community. Your resilience powered our resolve to innovate, think bigger and support our members in the best way we know how; by building the tools you need to run your business, wow your clients and grow. 

We’re now ready to apply all the lessons we learned last year to support your businesses in new and exciting ways in 2021! 

Let’s take a look at the latest features and initiatives we launched to kick off this year and power your business forward. And, as always, we welcome your thoughts and feedback. 

To keep tabs on everything that’s been happening at HoneyBook, check out past product updates.

New Features [December 2020, January and February 2021] 

HoneyBook iOS and Android Apps

Mobile Apps (Android & iOS)

  • We heard from you that time tracking is important to help you keep tabs on your billable hours and to help measure time spent on tasks so that you can create accurate invoices. So, say goodbye to guesstimating billable hours, having to re-enter information in a new tool and paying extra subscriptions fees. Simply open the HoneyBook mobile app, launch the new Time Tracker from the tools menu and you can either press play to measure time or just manually input the hours you worked. 
  • You’re busy running your business. So we thought, instead of making you come into the app to check on your daily tasks, we’ll send you a reminder notification at 9 am on the day the task is due. We know this update is overdue (no pun intended) and we’re excited to make it available for you now! 
  • From now on, you’ll get push notifications when a workflow action requires approval before sending an email or file to a client. You can also mark that as approved right from the app and voila! the email file will be sent.

HoneyBook Pros

HoneyBook Pros

  • These systems strategists are small business owners just like you, so they know where you’re coming from and what you need to get out of HoneyBook to make the platform work best for your business. Learn more and work with one of our nine HoneyBook Pros to optimize your HoneyBook account! 

Delete a Payment Method

  • You asked for it and we added the option to delete a payment method in your HoneyBook account for future payments with the same client. This gives you more flexibility with how you store and use sensitive client information.

Push Notifications on Desktop

  • We know that staying on top of your to-do list is important, which is why we’ve added notifications for upcoming tasks on desktop. Just like in the mobile app, you’ll now be notified when a task is coming due. 

HoneyBook Instant Deposits

Feature Spotlight: Instant Deposits

  • Did you know that with our Instant Deposits feature you can enable all outstanding eligible payments to be instantly deposited to your bank account once your client pays? You can with our Instant Deposits feature. Simply go to Company Settings > Bank Details to get started. 

Until next time…

We hope you’re as excited about our latest features and updates as we are. You can stay up-to-date with what’s new from HoneyBook by joining our Facebook Group, keeping an eye on our member emails or watching out for our regular release updates on the blog.

And please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team with your questions and feedback at [email protected]. We highly value your insight as it helps us continue improving the platform so that it best supports your business.

Any questions about the current feature releases? Head to our Help Center to learn more.

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