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Why PR for Creative Entrepreneurs is Easier than Ever—and How to Get Started

Ever notice how some people seem to come out of nowhere?

Suddenly, they have all the right connections. They’re featured in The Knot, Glamour, Style Me Pretty, Refinery29, and Brit & Co, and they have prestigious partnerships and speaking opportunities. They have everything they need to help their company grow faster than yours.

Meanwhile, you work around the clock, feeling stuck, underpaid, overworked. . . and secretly jealous.

It seems so easy for them, like your peers have some sort of a magic touch.

The truth is, there is a system and a formula that they know—and you can learn it, too. Raising visibility is possible for everyone, and I can teach you how.


Because when I started, I knew nothing. I was on the founding team for the first “No Photoshop” fashion magazine, Verily. We worked 24/7 while our loved ones asked when we were going to get a “real job” and our target customers asked why we were starting “another fashion magazine in a saturated market”.

Sound familiar?

I felt stuck, grinding away, teetering on the edge of burnout, while to the outside world, I appeared to “have it all”.

But then I cracked the code. I developed a media campaign that got us featured in 180 outlets in eight months, and today the magazine sees 1 million views per month.

Since that time, I have gotten clients featured in the top outlets in the country (Forbes, Inc., Fast Company, Entrepreneur, Glamour), been booked to speak to global audiences of over 750 people, and more.


The happy news is that it is easier than ever for the average person to get media attention.

You can get booked faster, in bigger outlets, without a PR agency. All with no press release, no prior knowledge, and no techie skills whatsoever.

*Cue the dancing*

I’m not just saying that. I’ve personally witnessed a first-time author with no prior media experience start getting attention within 24 hours using the techniques that I can teach you. Since then, she has written for Thrive Global and secured many more media features for her message.

Her story is just one of many similar cases. And you could be next. Here’s why it can be done:

6 reasons why PR is easier than ever:

1. Social media has democratized how stories are heard, shared, and picked up.

The more “traditional” media outlets are no longer only finding stories in traditional ways. This has given the average person much more access to top journalists to pitch story ideas.

2. Media outlets have become increasingly fragmented, specialized and niche.

This allows you to reach high concentrations of specific audiences, and can help generate better ROI.

3. People are pitching and sharing stories in less formalized ways.

This means no more press releases! Instead, I teach people how to share their stories in pitch letters for maximum impact. It is easier than ever, if one has the skills.

4. Companies can generate their own “media”.

They can do this through video and content creation, then cross-publish it on national and global outlets.

5. Staff writers within media outlets are being let go.

This means that there is a vast pool of high-quality freelance journalists that write for many different outlets. If you know how to find them and build relationships, you have a better chance of exposure on national platforms, because one journalist could assign the story to many places.

6. PR is no longer a pricey luxury only available to large companies.

Today, I consider visibility the new critical life skill that all individuals can and should learn how to do. By the year 2020, at least 40% of America’s workforce will be freelancers. That means that you need to know how to position, differentiate, and leverage media to set yourself up for success.


Convinced yet? When you’re ready to start your PR efforts, here’s what to do first:

3 things you need to do to start getting press:

  1. Start with empathy. Decide who your target customer is. Your message should always start with them in mind.

  2. Build out your media story angles that align with your target customer so you can speak to their soul. Craft the story just like a headline you would click on.

  3. Build a list of the top 3 – 5 outlets your target customer reads / watches / listens to. Remember to start where you feel most confident!


Remember, you have a message that you were born to contribute! It’s your time to get noticed—and it’s not as hard as you think.


Ready to start raising your visibility? I’m giving away my five time-tested, top-performing media pitch templates to help jumpstart your business. Grab them now!

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