Two women look at a computer on the cover of the Making the Sale Guide.
Two women look at a computer on the cover of the Making the Sale Guide.

Making the sale: strategies for independent business owners

How’s your sales strategy? We know—between creating fresh content for social media marketing, meeting with clients, and running the day-to-day of your business, little time remains for perfecting your sales pipeline. Fortunately, you’re in the right place to create a streamlined sales strategy that grows your customer base. 

In this guide, we’re sharing cardinal methods for building strategic sales systems. A sales strategy is key to the success of your business; consider it the engine that drives conversion rates. The goal of a sales strategy is to bring in more clients with less legwork.

This guide covers how to:

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Sales strategies for independent business owners

Master service selling

Pay close attention to personalization and consistency. Claire Bough teaches you a four-step strategy that can help you convert leads into paying customers. Learn the secrets of email marketing success with Jackie Sunga’s strategy and copywriting tips.

Create a high-converting email sequence

Elenny Frometa teaches you how to sell your offers with simple psychology, conversion, and persuasion tactics. Get new clients ASAP to quickly expand your business, increase your revenue, and exceed your year-end goals with Ashley Greeno’s tried-and-true direct communication strategies.

Set your business goals

Kelly Pech shares how you can set realistic goals and create a plan that encourages exponential sales growth.

What's inside

Claire Bough

Sell your service to best-fit clients by focusing on personalization and consistency. With this five-step process, you can turn prospective customers into paying clients that will navigate your clientflow seamlessly. Optimizing your sales pipeline is the first step toward maintaining a consistent client base and creating more “you” time!

Jackie Sunga

How do you make sales with email? By planning an email marketing strategy! Jackie shares planning,  copywriting, and scheduling tips, so you can sell without being pushy. This is an opportunity to think about tags, lists, and scheduling apps for the ultimate email marketing campaign with planned content.

Elenny Frometa

Write a high-converting email sequence that easily sells your offers with ease with these simple psychology, conversion, and persuasion tips from a copywriter. Define your customers’ voices so you can speak their language. Then, hone in on the best CTAs, testimonials, and stories for your best-fit converters.

Ashley Greeno

Use these proven direct outreach tips to get new clients ASAP so that you can quickly build your business, boost your revenue, and crush your year-end goals. Nearing the holidays means sales and rapid scaling. Get your edge by following our guide to targeting clients and making the sale!

Kelly Peck

Have you gotten started on your business planning for the new year? Here’s how you can set realistic goals and create a plan that allows for exponential sales growth. Don’t be left in the dust by a lack of planning—level up your next year with an attainable, high-throughput sales action plan. Your clients (and bank account!) will thank you.

Disclaimer: The advice featured in this guide and on the blog was sourced from our community members for sharing general information and knowledge. For specific legal, financial, tax, mental health and professional advice, please consult an authorized professional.