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Email Marketing that Will Snag Your Ideal Client

Relationships of all kinds deal in trust, even the ones developed through email. In the last nine months, digital connections have sky-rocketed due to the world’s new normal of social distancing and the necessity of no longer being able to gather in crowds–no matter the desire for the proximity of human connection. However, with email marketing, it is possible to continue the much-needed relationship between your business and your ideal client.  

As creative business owners, one of the best ways to build relationships with potential clients and your ideal customer is through email marketing that highlights a problem and offers a solution. Knowing who you want to reach and crafting an email list that caters to those specifics will be the thing that helps you reel in and keep your ideal client. 

The purpose of email marketing is to build trustworthy relationships with clients and build relationships that lead to sales. General business updates and information that doesn’t connect with your potential client isn’t what they need to see every week. As a passionate creative, how can your emails positively affect a potential client’s pain points, helpfully addressing their problem and needs, causing them to consider how what you’re offering is what they need? 

Now more than ever is the time to be innovative with email marketing, positioning your business as industry experts in the field ready to meet your ideal clients’ specific needs. 

You may already have a developed database of email addresses. The next move is knowing what to do with them and how to reach the ones you have, and more. Don’t waste any more time with an email list that sits in your database, collecting dust. Utilize it and create an email list of engaged and willing clients who find themselves falling more in love with your business with each press of the send button. 

Personalized Emails Book the Clients

You may already have an email list where you send newsletters weekly, which is great and highly encouraged. However, sending personalized emails to segmented portions of your list will help garner more traction from a pool of people who are already dedicated readers of your emails. Remember, the goal is to develop relationships built on trust with emails that draw your readers in with your content, calling them to take part in what you have to offer–compelling solutions to a problem only you can solve. 

Segmented emails give you the option of variety while not spamming your entire list with an email each week. Segmenting gives you space to create specifically tailored emails for clients you are still wooing and others ready to take the next step to book with you or buy a product. Because you are creating rapport between yourself and your email list, spamming is a huge no-no in engaging with potential clients. 

Know Your Clients and Consider All Sides of Your Email

Once you have someone’s email address, the hard part is over; someone has trusted you with their email address. In a digital world full of unsolicited newsletters and spamming that is wonderful! Now you have the opportunity of crafting emails to your ideal clients that have given you their ear on how you can help them design their branding, photograph their milestones, or share tips, and more.  

So, what do you do now? Keep reading for some important things to keep in mind when crafting the perfect email to snag your ideal client.

Balance: There has to be a balance between offering value and selling. As a creative business owner, you exist to lead your ideal client to success. When a potential client opens the figurative door to their email inbox to you, you have to go beyond the scope of weekly newsletters. Yes, it is essential to keep your email roster updated on what is going on with you. However, you are building a relationship between you and a customer that should eventually lead to a sale. One way to do this is through micro-conversions.

Micro-conversions: Every email should not be a sales email. Micro-conversions give you the perfect opportunity to woo your ideal client with emails offering tips or free downloads showing what you can give them when they take the big step in choosing what you offer.  Doing this helps draw people into a deeper relationship with you, building trust along the way. 

Frequency: How often you send emails is just as important as what you send. Personalized emails to segmented groups every 5-7 days is a satisfactory medium that keeps you and your readers happy. When you segment your emails, consider the time of day and even the day you choose to email your segmented lists. With email marketing tools like Mailchimp and Convertkit, you have access to open and click rates, allowing you to see the traffic of the times your email gets opened and which links your readers clicked.

Specific: Lastly, be specific. Specificity includes the captivating subject line in each email you send. It’s essential that when your readers open an email with an enticing subject line, they read what they set out to read. Avoid writing subject lines that are catchy but have nothing to do with what you detailed in the subject line. 

Don’t Be Passive: Calls to Action Matter

Please don’t leave your reader inactive, twiddling their thumbs at the end of a well-written and captivating email. Give them something to look forward to, something that compels them to do something, a call to action. This call to action could be as simple as downloading a free PDF of what booking an event with you entails or the five ways booking with you will “ease stress and cost less.” Remember, you are building trust and drawing your reader into an offer they can’t refuse, giving them the best reasons to trust you are the one to solve their problem. 

Email marketing is a perfect way to snag your ideal client. This new year, it’s essential to know the best way to continue to market your business. Everyone is continuing to navigate this new normal of maintaining rapport and connectedness through screens and emails. Keep creating avenues of connection between yourself and your clients and continue showing up as your authentic self even in the digital world of emails. The value and relationships you can form through email marketing are invaluable. Be intentional with your email lists and continue capturing the eyes of your ideal clients!

If you aren’t sure where to start visit this link to grab your free email list building roadmap implementation guide – 


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