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The Power of Uniting with Fellow Tuesdays Together Chapters (+ How to Do It)

It’s amazing to see what happens when a Tuesdays Together chapter gathers talented entrepreneurs who are passionate about both business and community over competition. Why not expand that unique power by uniting multiple chapters of Tuesdays Together?

All it takes to start is a little outreach.

It may feel scary to contact the leader of another group, but it’s beyond worth the chance for connection and collaboration – for you, them and all your chapter’s members.

The Power of Collaborating With Other Tuesdays Together Chapters
There are big benefits to engaging with other chapters for joint events, such as how it:

  • Enables more opportunities. With each individual having different skills, ideas and connections, even more can be accomplished at events hosted together.
  • Allows for networking in other areas nearby, letting everyone from wedding planners to photographers and copywriters mingle and mix with vendors and potential collaboration partners.
  • Incorporates a key idea of the Rising Tide Society: Community over Competition.

How to Connect with Another Chapter’s Leader
It’s okay if you don’t know the exact type of event you’d like to host. That’s why we suggest connecting with other chapter leaders, to brainstorm together. It’s as easy as:

  • Sending them a friendly email
  • Suggesting you grab coffee Even attending their TuesdaysTogether first – we promise, it isn’t cheating on your own!

Before reaching out, peruse their social media. By seeing their posts and content, you’ll quickly get a feel for who they are. For example, see on Instagram:

  • If they have a lot of posts about coffee, recommend grabbing a latte at a cute cafe.
  • If they’re currently on vacation, follow up when they return and ask them how their trip went!

It’s amazing how many similarities you’ll spot with just a few minutes of social media research. And the ideas it may spark for events you could host together.

A Real Life Example: The Tuesdays Together Mega Event in San Diego
This type of collective event recently happened in San Diego, when the Rising Tide Society chapters of San Diego, Oceanside and Temecula came together to put on a TuesdaysTogether mega extravaganza.

It began when Jenna and Alexandria, leaders of the Temecula chapter, reached out to myself – Ana, leader of the San Diego chapter, and Lacey, leader of the Oceanside chapter. Alexandria and Jenna had come up with the idea for a grander-scale meetup that could bring together even more great business owners and boss hustlers. Through video chats, brainstorms and each individual’s unique skills and resources, the idea for a mega event at the breathtaking Hotel Karlan San Diego went from dream to reality.

In just two months, we were able to pull off what wouldn’t have been possible for each group alone – because each party had something unique to offer. For example, Lacey brought in the highly applauded Nathan Holritz as the speaker. I enabled the giveaways, acquiring the sponsored goodies from fabulous vendors like L’etoile de Paris Styling and Lord Wallington, as well securing the photo booth from Set Apart 4 Chirst Photo Booths and great DJ from Ansom Productions, Inc. Jenna and Alexandria connected us with the beautiful venue and handled the core planning and systematized organization. Jenna also connected us with Honeybook, who offered a lifetime membership to one lucky winner.

It resulted in a memorable, successful experience for everyone. Passionate and inspired members from all areas of San Diego connected, and even reconnected, with one another. Seeing these interactions and conversations made the planning far more than worthwhile.

Do remember this though; Yes, this event had the extreme fortune of being held at a breathtaking hotel, but hosting an event does not have to be on such a grandiose level. Perhaps someone in the group has a large backyard that can be styled. Think about a park with a great spot for an outdoor gathering. Maybe an up and coming venue would like to be a sponsor.

It’s one more excuse to get creative.

4 Things to Remember When Partnering with Other Leaders

When you partner with other chapters, here are key tips to keep in mind:

  • Go in with an open mind. Everyone has a different perspective, which can feel uncomfortable at moments, but if you truly embrace it – it’s such a positive phenomenon.
  • Ask questions. It’s okay to not be the master of everything; when you don’t understand something – ask.
  • Be positive. When there are stressful moments, remember to breathe and stay positive. It leads to a better experience for both you and everyone else.
  • Voice support. Cheer on others, and let them know when an idea is great. It makes both you and them feel like a rockstar, even if the idea doesn’t end up being used – they’ll at least know it was encouraged and supported.

Key Strategies and Tools for a Great Event
Okay, now it’s time to get specific. We’re highlighting top notch strategies for running a smooth, united event.

  • Add a speaker. It’s a great way to spotlight another vendor.
  • Create a hashtag for your event. It’s a fun and easy way for people to connect and find one another social media.
  • Have giveaways. A physical takeaway is not just a fun goodie, it’s a proven method for getting people excited about an event and that much more likely to attend.
  • Systemize & organize. Having a strategic system in place for planning the event. A great way to start is to use apps and tools, such as:
    • Eventbrite for ticketing
    • Google hangouts for video communication
    • Google Drive for creating and sharing documents amongst the planners â—‹ Social media as a tool to gain traffic #Instagram

Ready to Unite with Other Tuesdays Together Chapters?
You have the strategy on how to connect with other chapter leaders, know the benefits of a joint event and have learned the tips for how to make the event a success. Now, what’s holding you back?

After all, Tuesdays really are better together.

As an event planner at Empire Design Events and leader of the San Diego chapter of the Rising Tide Society, I am passionate about more entrepreneurs connecting and collaborating. You can find inspiration and more of my work on instagram at @empiredsgnevent. The other amazing vendors and collaborators involved in this event:

Leader of Temecula Chapter of TT: Jenna Joseph Photography (@jenna_photo) co-Leader of Temecula Chapter of TT: Alexandria Monette (@alexandriamonette) Leader of Oceanside Chapter of TT: Lacey O. Photography (@laceyophotography)

Venue & catering: Hotel Karlan San Diego (@hotelkarlansd)
Photo Booth: Charles Dare (@sa4cphoto)
DJ: Arnie Graham (@ansomproductions)
Sponsor: L’etoile de Paris Styling @letoiledeparisstyling by Elizabeth Ann Sponsor: Honeybook (@Honeybook)

Sponsor: Immanuel Ontiveros of Lord Wallington (@LordWallington) Photographer: Rachael Smith Photography (@rachaelsmithphotography) Speaker & Educator: Nathan Holritz (@nathanholritz) of Photographers Edit


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