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New Tuesdays Together Cities

Meet the leaders and learn about their favorite hotspots in our newest TuesdaysTogether cities: Waco, Texas, the Niagara Region and Bucks County, Pennsylvania!

Good morning and happy Friday! Today I am so excited to be sharing with you some of our newest Tuesdays Together Chapters!  As our groups grow throughout the country and the world, we decided it would be fun to give you a peek into some of their cities, with a guide to some of their favorite hang-outs. Without further ado, get an inside look at the Niagara Region, Waco, Texas and Bucks County, PA!

Niagara Region creative entrepreneur meet up group | Tuesdays Together Niagara Region creative entrepreneur meet up group | Tuesdays Together 
Niagara Region 

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Meet the Leader: Andrew Hildebrand

Tell us about yourself in one sentence: 
I’m Andrew! I’m a husband, new dad, and fine art film wedding and portrait photographer.

Your favorite local hangout?  
Honestly, my parents place! Not in the creepy I’ll never move out way (I moved out when I was 18,) but there’s nothing like friends and family hanging out together and the best times are around the campfire in mum and dad’s backyard.

Your favorite local cuisine? 
Wind Sushi. Niagara isn’t the biggest area around but people come from all over to enjoy Niagara’s Sushi. It seems random but it’s true Niagara has phenomenal sushi!

What’s your favorite thing about your city? 
Definitely the people. My wife and I have travelled extensively and have seen some of the most beautiful cities/countries in the world and wondered why we don’t pick up and move right now. After some time we realize how much we miss our community of family and friends back home. That’s why we live where we live. That and Niagara Wine Country is beautiful!
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Waco, Texas

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Meet the Leader: Bonnie Bakhtiari

Tell us about yourself in one sentence: 
I’m a brand designer and strategist for creative entrepreneurs living the dream in beautiful Waco, Texas with my handsome husband and our rambunctious golden retriever pup, Boone!

Your favorite local hangout?  
My husband and I actually went to Baylor University here in town, and our favorite coffee shop from way back when still has a hold on my heart! When in town, a stop at Common Grounds is a must.

Your favorite local cuisine? 
Praise the good Lord for Tex-Mex! We could fill up on chips, salsa and guac any day of the week.

What’s your favorite thing about your city? 
Waco is the perfect combination of a larger city with a small town feel. The people are a fantastic duality of friendly and just a little bit quirky, we have a small yet mighty creative community, and you’re never too far from Cameron Park to steal away for a few minutes of total isolation in one of those beautiful green spaces!
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The-Rising-Tide-Society-Bucks-County-5 The-Rising-Tide-Society-Bucks-County-7

Bucks County, PA

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Meet the Leader: Carly Totten

Tell us about yourself in one sentence: 
I’m an event planner and florist for couples, a social media and marketing pro for creatives, and I adore community and planning my next trip to the sea (Charleston specifically!).

Your favorite local hangout?  
I love meeting friends at The Continental Tavern. It was purchased and completely renovated and revived by new owners a few years ago, which was fantastic for Yardley. Sitting outside on the porch is a favorite during the warmer months, and enjoying dinner and conversation near the fireplace is so cozy during the winter.

Your favorite local cuisine? 
Bucks County has so many delicious restaurants, but I love ordering pulled pork at The Continental or thin crust pizza from Jules (the balsamic barbecue chicken and the potato carbonara are unreal).

What’s your favorite thing about your city? 
I love that Yardley (and Bucks County as a whole!) is 45 minutes outside of Philadelphia, plus we’re just over an hour outside of New York City. We can enjoy the bright lights and hustle of a big city, but we can return home to our quieter town where all of the best conveniences are just a car ride with free parking away. : ) I also love the acres of undeveloped farmland and the historic aspects of the area – the boroughs have beautiful architecture.
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