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4 Tips to Get Your Creative Business Featured in the Media

No styled shoot? No problem! Getting featured in the media can result in tremendous growth for your creative business and is possible with these 4 tips. | Rising Tide Society

No styled shoot? No problem! You already know that getting featured in the media in your favorite wedding magazine or popular blog can result in tremendous growth for your creative business.  When you land a press mention, it’s a subtle nod that you’ve been chosen by a tastemaker, recognized as an expert or high-end resource.  And when a bride is looking to book a vendor, something as small as an “As Seen In” bar on your website can be the impetus for choosing your services.

The most obvious vehicle for a feature is a styled shoot, but what if that’s not a possibility right now, whether for time, access, or finances?

Good news: there are many ways you can get noticed and featured in the media, and you can get started today (no styled shoot necessary).  

Embrace Your Expert Status

You’re already working with clients, vendors, and colleagues, and you have a wealth of knowledge you can share with brides.  Start thinking of article concepts that showcase your expertise and position you as a helpful resource in the industry. 

Instead of photo spreads, think of how-tos, roundups, and twists on current trends.  Just about any wedding outlet you’re thinking about pitching to runs these kinds of stories, and they usually appreciate suggestions for interesting content.

When you dive deeper into what’s already on the couple’s minds, you’ve found a great way to get your brand in front of clients and show off your creativity.  

4 Prompts For Strong Stories

  1. Gamify it.  Look at current headlines and take out the information-carrying words, then play around with new words to fill in the blanks.  For instance, you see the following headline: 6 Ways to Use Recycled Materials at Your Reception.  Take out the key words and start playing with the concept: ___ Ways to ________ at Your _________.  You might come up with something like, 5 Ways to Reduce Waste at Your Wedding, or, 4 Ways to Give Back to the Community While You Plan Your Event.
  1. Answer the unasked questions.  Chances are likely that you have a running list of the FAQs asked by your clients,and these make great article concepts.  However, have you ever stopped to compile a list of the things clients haven’t asked, but you wish they would?  This is another creative source for story ideas, and creates excellent value for the reader.  You can even poll your colleagues or favorite vendors for different insights on the topic.
  2. Piggyback on a trend and twist it.  For instance, there are plenty of articles on writing your vows. How about tips for hiring a vow writer?  Minimalist dresses are everywhere? Try a more contrarian take featuring dresses for the maximalist (and vice versa).  When everyone’s talking about woodland weddings, you can suggest ways to get a woodland feel in a more accessible setting.
  3. Identify the real problem.  Client upset because she can’t afford a $17k custom calligraphy suite? Maybe the real problem is that she doesn’t know how to incorporate personal touches to her wedding in a way that makes a big impact. Be on the lookout for these hidden opportunities when doing market research, while listening to your clients, and when reading magazines and blogs.    

Create Value For Everyone

Writers and editors are incredibly busy, just like you.  When you offer a creative take on a popular wedding theme, you help take some of the stress off that reporter’s plate.

When you can include a link—never an attachment—to photos that showcase examples of your work that fit into the piece, you make the writer’s job easier (making your feature more likely to get published), and you still get your work in front of potential clients. You get the chance to shape trends, and you become a valuable resource to brides looking for guidance.

In the end, you’re driving new traffic to your site, increasing your credibility, and building trust in the bride’s mind. 

Final Tips For Getting Featured In The Media

Keep your email tight and direct, use a first name, and focus on giving the writer something a little different than they’re seeing everywhere else. 

Pitch the headline you’re envisioning, a few major points, and don’t forget your contact info.  If you don’t hear back right away (and you probably won’t), send a short and simple follow up 2 weeks later.

Once you’ve landed that feature, leverage it by sending it to your email list, posting it to social media, and blogging about it—let your clients and followers celebrate with you (and revel in their smart choice to work with a rockstar!).   

Finally, don’t let self-doubt hold you back from reaching to get featured in the media. Remember that you can’t help clients if they don’t know you’re there!

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