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5 Signs You Might Need a One on One Mentor

Photo by Nik MacMillan on Unsplash

I love the creative community. Time and time again, I see that we creative entrepreneurs are sometimes killing it in life and business.

But, sometimes we’re stuck.

We’re unsure of where to go next or what to do. Sometimes we need a little help. And oftentimes, there are signs showing up in your life and business that you might need a mentor!

So, maybe you are in an in between season or hesitant of where to put your energy in this very moment – friend, I’m here to lift you up and encourage you with five signs (rooted in kindness and community!) that you might need a one-on-one mentor.

1. You’re feeling burned out or overwhelmed.

Maybe you’re working crazy hours or putting more time and effort into your business than a conversation with your husband at the dinner table or a playdate with your kiddos.

Maybe you’re feeling so overwhelmed by your business that you don’t even know what to do next.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed…

It might be a sign that you need a one-on-one mentor. I promise you, a good mentor can help you navigate these times of burnout.

If you’re in this season, a mentor can help you work through the overwhelm. Any successful mentor would tell you that seeing these transformations is indescribable!

2. You are really feeling the need for outside perspective on your business.

You probably have those moments where you think – goodness, it would just be nice to have another set of eyes on this!

I think we’ve all been in these shoes once or twice, but maybe you’re wearing these shoes on the daily. You’re dreaming, goal setting, and growing your business, but you’re feeling like you need another person’s perspective that “gets” it.

And, I “get” that!

Looking to a mentor who is a creative entrepreneur and knows the ins and outs of running a business could be just what you and your business need. A one-on-one mentor allows you to get outside perspective from a seasoned professional in the creative community who will not only encourage you in your business, but also push you to grow and pursue your passions. It could be incredibly impactful for you and your business.

3. You’re struggling with motivation and just need an extra push in your business.

Hey again, I’ve been here too! There are times in our businesses where we feel motivated and nothing can get in the way of our goals, to-do lists, and we are full of drive. But there are also times in our businesses where we feel as though we’re struggling with motivation and need a push. If you’re feeling this way, a one-on-one mentor that fits the needs of you and your business can help you!

4. You’re having a hard time setting goals and deciding on a plan of action.

Mentors help give you direction and guide you based on personal experience. No, we can’t tell you what your goals should be (and I don’t believe we should!), but we can help encourage you in a way of dreaming big, making a plan, and working toward those goals through actionable steps.

5. You’re lacking support and having a difficult time finding community.

Community is one of the most important parts of my business! From having a tribe of photographer friends to a community of creatives (hello Rising Tide Society!) near and far, community has been and continues to be a key to success in my business.

As a mentor, it is part of my mission to connect with other creatives in a way that goes far beyond our time spent in one-on-one mentoring. It is my mission to encourage other creatives to succeed. Being a creative entrepreneur can be lonely at times, but I believe we are stronger when we lean on and encourage each other.

So, maybe you’re thinking, YES, you’re speaking to me!

Friend, trust yourself and reach out to a trusted one-on-one mentor in the creative community.

Whether it’s through connecting with other creatives at your local TuesdaysTogether gathering or connecting online – start your search to find the perfect one-on-one mentor.

As a mentor myself, it’s an honor to encourage creatives in their wildest dreams. Because, after all, I believe we can all pursue our creative passion projects while serving ourselves and our people.

Want to learn all the secrets to choosing the best mentorship or mastermind groups to move your business forward? Get our Ultimate Guide to Mentorships and Mastermind Groups here.

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