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How hiring a HoneyBook Pro can save your sanity and help you book more clients

A single day can be all it takes to save yourself from business chaos and book more clients! That was the case for Amanda Holloway, who worked with HoneyBook Pro Dahlia Orth to get her entire business process set up in HoneyBook and start saving time. 

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As a successful photographer, Amanda Holloway leverages her talents to service clients with stunning images. But with additional expertise in pricing and marketing, she also educates fellow photographers through her A-List Creatives business of courses, community, and actionable resources.

Running two businesses with different types of clients means she’s constantly communicating, moving different projects forward, and reaching different milestones. Though she loves the variety of running two businesses, the only thing slowing her down is time. Sound familiar?

With a growing list of day-to-day tasks and clients that need regular communication, Amanda hit the sticking point that many other business owners face: more work = more to manage with less time. 

Getting started with a HoneyBook account was a step in the right direction, but taking the time to onboard a new tool wasn’t in the cards for her. That’s when she decided to hire HoneyBook Pro Dahlia Orth, and in just a matter of days, her help gave Amanda precious time back while allowing her to take on even more clients.

The challenge

As her A-List Creatives business continued to grow, Amanda realized she was involved in every client touchpoint, every single time. Furthermore, every client interaction was saved in different email folders that she had to search through to find information, and she was using multiple platforms for invoicing, client onboarding, and emailing. 

At first, Amanda started using HoneyBook to automate some of her communication and processes, such as sending an online invoice. Yet, having a full plate meant there wasn’t enough time to really dive into the platform and set it up for her needs. 

Although she didn’t have enough time to set up HoneyBook properly when she started, she could already see the benefit of using an all-in-one platform. After learning about the HoneyBook Pros via a pop-up in her account, she knew what she needed to do to seize the full potential of her HoneyBook account. That’s when Dahlia Orth stepped into the picture.

I freaked out. I can hire someone to do this all for me – that’s life-changing!

Full systems setup and workflows in a matter of days

Browsing the Pros Marketplace, it was easy for Amanda to find exactly what she needed for HoneyBook setup and workflows, and Dahlia’s background and services matched those needs.  

After reaching out, she was able to book a project with her immediately and within a week they had their kickoff. Dahlia’s VIP Day package of services meant she would set up everything to run A-List Creatives in only one day – and it was better than Amanda could have imagined. 

Secretly I was like ‘good luck with that,’ but then Dahlia did it all!

Dahlia’s work gave Amanda the following, including priceless time saved and peace of mind:

  • Templates – Everything needed for emails, questionnaires, invoices, contracts, proposals, and order forms. Rather than rewriting every email and creating a new file for every client, Amanda can now click into her pre-made templates, edit some key client details, and send with the push of one button.
  • Automations Amanda’s entire pipeline from client inquiry to booking and project delivery is now automated through HoneyBook, and each automation is even segmented for different client types. Everything can take care of itself so Amanda has more time to focus on business creativity and strategy.
  • Scheduling – Amanda’s session availability for the entire year was built into HoneyBook. That means clients only need to click on her calendar link and choose a session based on her availability rather than going back and forth to pick a date via email. Talk about saving time!

For me, it was 12 years’ worth of client experience that ended up fully integrated into HoneyBook.

The results

Dahlia not only set up everything Amanda needs to run her business, but she also gave her the tools she needs to continue using HoneyBook to her advantage after their work is done. Amanda was encouraged to ask questions throughout the process, and she received a series of video tutorials that she can reference so she feels confident managing her systems on her own going forward.

For me, being able to be at the movie theater with my kid and knowing HoneyBook is emailing my clients is amazing. I don’t have to be present, but my brand is still present.

With new automated processes in place and online payment software, Amanda now offers payment plans that she wasn’t able to in the past. Turning on recurring payments and automatic payment reminder emails with HoneyBook not only takes that work off her plate but has also opened the door to more clients by making her services more accessible for those who wouldn’t have been able to pay in full otherwise. 

Maximize your business potential just like Amanda!

Though her initial project with Dahlia is now done, she plans to continue working with her in the future as she finds new ways to optimize and improve her business processes.

Dahlia’s expert help has empowered Amanda to maximize her HoneyBook account by teaching her about the features she knew she needed as well as some that she didn’t even realize could solve her business challenges. 

Using the HoneyBook Pros marketplace, you can also find the perfect expert for your business; someone who understands your unique challenges, figures out how to meet those needs, and ensures you’re set up for long-term success. 

Having the right systems in place can unlock more for your business than you may realize, including more clients, higher pricing, better conversion rates, and plenty of time saved. 

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