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Grow Your Team Successfully with a Clear Brand Guide and Vision Statement

Do you want to grow a team that gives you personal AND financial freedom in your life? I found myself there almost 8 years ago, I had more opportunities than I had capacity, so I started growing my team rapidly. But, I quickly learned that without an organized hiring system, backend processes and documentation, things can get messy fast. So, I’m excited to share a few of the cornerstones to growing your team successfully so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel!

Grow Your Team By Finding the Right People to Partner with

Here are two ways to automate the process to make it easier: 

  1. Find new team members through LinkedIn ads that are affordable, easy to set up to connect.
  2. Grow your support team by posting an open position on Upwork or searching hashtags on Instagram. 

Pro Tip: Interview carefully, take your time and move forward slowly. Ask for a trial month before making a long-term commitment to partner with a backend support partner.

Template It

I’m a BIG fan of templates. If I do something more than once, then I know it’s time to make the content into a template that will save me time in the future. On-boarding a team is no exception to this. 

Here are the templates you’ll want to have:

  • Role Clarity: Share what you expect your new team members to do vs what you will be doing or providing. This explains your relationship in simple terms. 
  • What We Require: Outline your business license, proof of insurance, compensation and standards for measuring success.
  • Contract: Create an online contract template inside Honeybook. I mean what could be better?! It makes sending new team members a partnership opportunity fast and efficient.
  • Contract Email: Encourage new potential team members to look over the online contract, take their time, seek advice and come back with questions or tweaks. 
  • Welcome Email: Make this email personal, but also make it simple. Tell your new team members how excited you are to have them, give them access to your member portal or brand guide and ask for a headshot and bio for your website.

Team Brand Guide

Establishing a brief Team Brand Guide and a clear vision statement will make onboarding new team members easy, consistent, and more efficient. You can create a Brand Guide in Google Docs, a simple Word document, Canva, whatever platform you’re most comfortable on. 

Pro Tip: A Brand Guide can be a hidden page on your website, with a password, where your team can find all of these items. 

5 Things You’ll Want To Include In Your Brand Guide:

  1. Your Vision, Values and Target Client
  2. Visual Guidelines For Business Cards, etc.
  3. A Client Sales + On-Boarding Process
  4. Best Practices For Your Service
  5. Share Industry Resources (links, contacts, etc.) For On-Demand Access

Vision Statement Template

If you’re struggling to create a clear vision statement for your business, try our vision statement generator. Or, here are a few questions to help get you rolling: 

  • What is the target market you want to serve (the more specific, the better)? 
  • How will you serve this audience?
  • What experience or feeling will this service provide for your client?

After answering these questions, fill in the blanks below to establish a vision statement that will get you out of bed every morning, passionate to move the business forward:

Your Vision: To serve ________(Q1 Answer) with/by _______(Q2 Answer) and

a ______ (Q3 Answer) experience.

Your vision statement is a cornerstone for the way that your team serves your clients. It helps provide clear focus and consistency in the way in which you do business. 

Team Communication And Support

Here are a few tips to help your team grow to success: 

  • Allowing your team to connect regularly, if not daily, for questions and help.
  • Schedule monthly team calls and a monthly happy hour via zoom to stay connected and get face-to-face.  
  • Create a Slack channel where you can connect daily by sharing professional and personal updates and your team can constantly help each other.  
  • Host a yearly retreat to connect and shoot footage for your socials and site for the year. 

Pro Tip: Growing Team communication and support helps keep the workload manageable, serves your team in a more time-effective way and creates a sweet community that is living out the We Over Me mantra.  

I’m so proud of you for growing your business, team, and sharing your opportunities. You’re a rock star and I can’t wait to see you crush it.

Rooting for you, always.

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