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5 Tips for an Awesome Instagram Bio

What do you think your Instagram bio says about you, your brand, and your business?  Does it do the job of telling your audience who you are and what you do in less than 150 characters? Don’t make the mistake of ignoring your Instagram bio and missing out on your chance to introduce yourself to followers, and lurkers alike! You have a chance to set yourself apart from others by writing a bio that speaks to your ideal client in a voice that is authentic to your business or brand. Don’t skip it.

Here’s the deal: when potential clients check out your Instagram feed, they’re deciding whether or not to follow you (and maybe, one day, hire you) based on two things:

  1. Your top 9 images – potential followers want to understand what types of photos you post and what story you’re telling through your photos.

  2. Your bio – potential followers want to know who you are, what you do, and where you live.


Here are five easy things you can fix RIGHT NOW to turn a boring bio into something a little more awesome.

You only have your Instagram bio and your first 9 images to capture the attention of a new follower.

Have an easy to understand profile picture
Use a picture of your cute face, a clear photo of the product(s) you sell, or an easy to understand snapshot of your brick and mortar’s storefront. Remember, your profile picture is tiny. You want fans to know who you are and to understand who the photos that show up in their feed are coming from. And don’t get in the habit of changing your picture too often – nothing confuses your audience more!

Introduce yourself and what you do
Use your real name so people have a connection to you and your business. Then, tell followers who you are and what you do in 10-15 words. Let followers know what service(s) you offer or product(s) you sell in a few easy to understand terms – skip the industry speak here. While your photos should speak for your brand and identity, those few words in your bio help provide a quick glimpse into the story behind the photos you post and the work you do.

Share your hours and how to get your services
If you’re a brick and mortar space, you HAVE to post your hours of operation in your Instagram bio – you want to make finding out when to visit you as easy as possible. If you provide some type of service, share an email address or phone number so potential customers can reach you to inquire about what you do.

Tell us where you are
If you have a physical location, post your address. If you’re a mobile business, post your city and state or the region you serve. Again, make it easy for customers to find you and do business with you!

Include a link
The last part of your bio – the part that you really shouldn’t miss out on – is your website URL. Make sure your website is included in your bio; Instagram even gives you a field to add it in. If you don’t have a website, point the web link to a Facebook page. Give followers a way to find you outside of Instagram and connect with what you’re offering. You can also use the URL space to link to a recent blog post, the latest reviews for your business, or a new product you’re offering.

Make these changes and your audience will have a much easier time understanding who you are and connecting with you when it’s time for them to buy the goods or services you offer.

Want more tips like this? Get our ultimate guide on how to use Instagram for business.

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