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#RescheduleDontCancel: Save the Brand & Web Designers

Small business owners, independent contractors and self-employed service providers are facing the challenge of a lifetime. As a result of the coronavirus crisis and cancelled events and bookings, many face losing their jobs and are at an increased risk of declaring bankruptcy. We asked our community members to share the importance of what they do in their own words. We ask you to imagine a world without these creative forces and to take action today: Pledge your support for the #RescheduleDontCancel movement.

Hi, we’re Kelly Zugay and Andra Barkey.

Since 2014, With Grace and Gold® has served more than 400 creative small business owners through custom brand and web design.

What would the world be like without professional brand & web designers?

Not only does having a custom brand and web design help small business owners begin a new season in their business with more purpose and with greater confidence — they help business owners reach new levels of success in their businesses, too!

We would love for EVERY small business owner to have an opportunity to put their best foot forward when it comes to their online presence. Without custom design services, small business owners may miss out on connecting with their audience, booking clients, and moving their business forward in meaningful ways.

Without custom design services, small business owners may miss out on connecting with their audience, booking clients, and moving their business forward in meaningful ways.

How can the larger community help?

Your support and encouragement matters so, so much! Whether you take a moment to “like” a post on social media, or you provide a comment of encouragement — your support goes a long way.

If you can recommend our business to a friend, family member, or fellow business owner — your recommendation can make ALL the difference!

Join the #RescheduleDontCancel Movement on social media

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