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Squarespace Review: Everything You Need to Know Before Making Your Website

At HoneyBook, we’re dedicated to helping you learn about the business tools and resources that will help you grow your business. Because every small business owner needs a website, the first tool we’re reviewing is Squarespace. We sent Kent, our video producer, to New York City to visit Squarespace, chat with Jeremy, the manager of Squarespace Circle, and share his thoughts in the video below.

In this video, you’ll learn:

  • How Squarespace works and what sets it apart from other website builders
  • What entrepreneurs are saying about it
  • About the Squarespace Circle Program

Last month was all about diversified income, so we were super excited to learn about their Circle Program. Squarespace created this program to give you the tools you need to add web design to your skill set and offer additional value to your existing clients. The best part—there’s no cost to being part of the program. Learn how to add a new income stream with Squarespace Circle.

P.S. We’d love to hear what you thought of this and what else would you’d like to see in our product review series! Let us know at [email protected].


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