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To All The Independents Finding Their Freedom

Here’s to all the independent business owners who are seizing the freedom to practice their passion and work their own way. At HoneyBook, we’re here to celebrate and support you with the tools you need to succeed. 


True independence means freedom. The freedom to carve out your own career, write your own rules, break away from the status quo and pursue your passion. Being an independent means taking that thing you know you do so well and turning it into a successful business on your own terms. 

Whether in the studio, at a client meeting or at your kitchen table, you’re redefining what it means to work because you know what works best for you. 

And with the right support system to back you up, you have the flexibility to move fast and focus on what’s important—your craft, your clients and your passion.

Getting Back To Your Passion

Think about why you became an independent business owner in the first place. You had a dream. You had the drive to build something. You wanted to help others and feel like your best self by using your talent every day. 

Maybe things haven’t always gone the way you planned. Maybe the hills have been hard to climb and the obstacles difficult to overcome. But pursuing your passion isn’t just about the end goal, it’s about the journey and all those people you’ve impacted along the way. Because you better believe that even the smallest projects, the seemingly insignificant assignments have all left their mark and led you to where you are today.

And even if it doesn’t always feel like it, you’ve grown. Your business is better off because of all the experiences under your belt. That hobby that blossomed into a career still holds endless possibilities that you just haven’t tapped into yet. Being an independent is all about living your passion while also exploring new opportunities. By becoming an empowered business owner, you have the control to learn what you want and steer your work toward brand new ventures.  

Realizing true independence in your work means your passion is core to everything you do–not only the reason you got started.

Freedom to Work Your Way

When we get stuck in the grind, it means we can’t do what we want with the time that we have. Being able to work your way and reclaim work/life balance is one of the biggest benefits of becoming an independent. Free from the constraints of a typical 9-5, you can structure your day exactly how you need to.

Your schedule doesn’t have to fit around regular working hours. Instead, you get to design each day so it fits right for you. Maybe you work best when you’re burning the midnight oil, or perhaps you prefer getting most of your work done before the rest of the world rises. Whether your work means chasing the best light or holding virtual meetings at night, you get to break free from the mold. Strategy sessions from the backyard and the ability to step out of the shower and directly into your office are some of the best reasons why freedom is core to what you do. 

Whatever works best for you, as an independent you have the flexibility to do it. You can set the boundaries and say no when you need to because you’re the boss. In fact, having the freedom to work with the clients that best suit your business ensures you can offer them the most ideal experience. Having the power to manage yourself and pick the projects that excite and fulfill you also empowers you to produce your best work. And with each satisfied client your business grows as you design the conditions that help you flourish.

Becoming An Independent

With all the freedom that being an independent brings, it also comes with a lot of responsibilities. Having autonomy over the direction of your business means you’re often wearing all the hats and doing all the tasks – even those you’re not particularly good at. Like say, administrative work.

But just because your whole business rests in your hands doesn’t mean you should be subject to burnout. Moving toward true independence within your work means having the freedom to focus on what you do best. To become an independent, you need the tools to power your business behind-the-scenes so that you can keep your passion front and center. 

Man sitting on the floor in front of a couch with two dogs beside him.

Though paving your own way is the ultimate path to freedom, we know it can feel like a free fall sometimes. With HoneyBook, you can count on a system that helps carry the load without getting in your way. Tools for automation and client communication can move work off your plate so you get to focus on what you do best. Get back to what matters the most and feel the best practicing your passion every day. 

Here’s to the independents! You inspire us and we’re here to support you every step of the way. 

HoneyBook gives you the tools you need to power your independence. With resources that save you time and sanity, you’re free to focus on what you do best. 

Projects. Proposals. Payments. For independent professionals.


HoneyBook, the best crm for solopreneurs, streamlines everything you need to manage your business into one place. Manage projects, book clients, send an online invoice and get paid through our online payment software. Now peace of mind comes with just one login.

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