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Why You’re Going to Finally Write a Business Plan and Achieve Your Business Goals This Year

Photo by: John Mark Smith

Let’s say your big goal this year is to drive from New York to Los Angeles. Would you try to get there without a map? Heck NO! Sure, maybe someday you’d make it to Los Angeles after a lot of wrong turns and detours, but why waste all that time?

So please don’t try to get to the next level of your business without a map, a.k.a. your business plan. Strategic planning for small businesses is the most direct way for you to get from where you are now (bad*ss) to where you want to be this time next year (baller).

In case I still haven’t convinced you to write your business plan and up your business goals this year, here are three more compelling reasons why you should do it:

  1. I have included a template HERE that’s less than 3 pages and will take you less than 3 hours to complete.
  2. It will make you more money! Harvard Business School ran a study that shows that entrepreneurs who wrote plans for their business strategy were more likely to succeed.
  3. You can get one of your Boss Babe friends to do it with you and feel bad*ss together.

How to Create a Business Plan

Download this super simple business plan and take your business to the next level! This template for New Year business planning helps build a map detailing how to set goals as a small business. Once it’s written, you should read it at least once a month and use it to direct your work and filter your decisions. It’s sure to provide you with a business strategy, goals, marketing plan, and more to make this year the best one yet. Get access to the free template here!

Want to learn more about strategic planning for small business? Get our Ultimate Guide to Strategic Planning for Small Business here.

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