If you are reading this then it means, like me, you are a creative! You breathe, eat and sleep your creative passion and you may sometimes wonder, what can I really do to set myself apart from others? Or even better, what can I do to continue to move my business forward in the right direction?
Think about it! Every day that we put ourselves out there for the world to decide whether or not they want to hire us, we are taking risks! No matter how big or small, you owe yourself a pat on the back for the things that you do daily. There is always someone else out there afraid to do those exact same things.
Some people dream of success, while other people get up every morning and make it happen.
– Wayne Huizenga

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The Three Critical Questions
On the topic of creative risk taking, I want to share with you what has helped me. Anytime I approach a new decision in my business I ask myself the following three questions:
1- Is this in-line with my “Why”?
2- What are the pros and cons of this decision?
3- What is the end goal?
A Case Study in My Business
Let’s face it, the one thing about taking a creative risk is that often the outcome isn’t always apparent. One of the risks I have taken with photography is to create a referral-based business.
Why? I want to love on my clients. I want my clients to love me so much that they share my name and their client experience with their friends.
Pro / Cons? In order to do this, I have to be selective in who I take on as clients. Sometimes, if I feel that a potential client isn’t a good fit, then I have to let them know I will be unable to work with them. Can I confirm they are not a good fit if we never work together? Absolutely not, but I can confirm that the clients that I do take are my ideal client, so I can’t worry about the ‘what-ifs’ of a client I chose to decline.
End Goal? While I am fueling my passion to create a memorable client experience, I’m not allowing myself to be stressed out by clients that aren’t a good fit! Now it’s your turn! What creative risk can you take today and what questions can you ask yourself prior to diving in head first?