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The difference between the businesses that succeed and the ones that fail 

💡If you are scrappy and learn to figure things out, you will be successful. 

The Independent Business Podcast launched one year ago this week, so what better way to celebrate than with a roundup of our favorite episodes?

At the end of every interview, we ask our guests what they think is the biggest differentiator between the businesses that succeed and the ones that fail. In this episode, we’ve gathered some amazing answers from our incredible guests that will leave you feeling empowered and inspired. 

If you want to listen to the full episodes from each soundbite, they are linked below. 

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Tip 1: Show up consistently

Instagram growth coach Brock Johnson joined us in episode 32, where he shared what he learned from losing 14,000 followers in one week. He said that the key to success on social media is to stop overthinking or trying to create perfect content; instead, focus on showing up online consistently. Successful business owners take action and bet on themselves.  

Tip 2: You are the secret sauce to your business

In episode 46, messaging and positioning strategist Danait Berhe talked about creating an empathy-forward sales strategy for your business. She reminded us that you are the secret sauce to your business and success. Everything else, such as social media, ChatGPT, and sales strategies are simply tools to enhance your business. 

What you do, how you do it, and your mindset is everything in your business. If you are scrappy and learn to figure things out, you will be successful. 

Tip 3: Your business and purpose must go beyond your bottom line

In episode 20, wedding photographer Katelyn James told us about running a $250,000 per month business. She said that your business must be rooted in purpose and how you are changing people’s lives, not just your bottom line. When you attach yourself to a strong vision, people will be attracted to your business. 

Tip 4: Preparation is key to business success

Christiana Yebra, owner of Currently Events, joined us in episode 39, where she explained the systems and strategies she used to turn her side hustle into a business that generated half a million dollars in revenue. She shared that being prepared, researched, and thoughtful is what turns a pipe dream into a bonafide business. 

Seeking out resources, such as this podcast, and connecting with other business owners in your area is a great way to learn how to grow a successful business.

Tip 5: Learn how to pivot

In episode 31, Tonic Site Shop CEO Jen Olmstead showed us what we can learn from Starbucks and the PSL. She shared that the most important thing a business should be able to do is pivot. Successful businesses look at what’s working and what isn’t working and make decisions based on what they’ve learned. The key to pivoting successfully is to tune into your audience and listen to what they want.

Tip 6: Successful businesses are committed

Emmy Award-winning designer and CEO of The Future Chris Do talked about the importance of focus in episode 27. He said that businesses that fail have shiny object syndrome and get easily distracted. They think that their new idea is better than their original idea, so they lose sight of the core vision of their business. 

You have to commit to your business, even in the difficult times when you aren’t seeing the results you want. The way to do that is to improve your skills, read books, hire a coach, and go to workshops.

Tip 7: The key to business success is discipline

In episode 44, the CEO of Élevae Visuals Shay Cochrane explained how she built multiple six-figure businesses working one 16 hours per week. She said that the key to business success is disciplined focus. Actually doing the important work, rather than being distracted by social media and other tasks, is how you win in business.

Tip 8: Embrace your own magic

Bestselling author and lifestyle expert Mattie James told us to embrace our own magic in our businesses in episode 14. She also told us not to give up, because the people who succeed are the ones who keep going, even when they make mistakes. 

Successful business owners tap into their magic and continue showing up for their business. They know that they are gifting their light to the world and giving others permission to embrace their own magic too.

Tip 9: Don’t be afraid to try things again

In episode 35, photographer Hope Taylor explained how she built multiple six-figure passive income streams. Her tip is don’t be afraid of trying things again or try things from a new angle based on what your audience needs. It’s easy to feel defeated when something, such as a course launch doesn’t go as well as you hoped it would, but that doesn’t mean you should give up. 

Instead, you can learn from your past experiences and implement changes. Treat your business like an experiment so that you are always learning from what is and isn’t working.

Tip 10: Understand your data

We kicked off this podcast with the founder and host of the podcast to Cubicle CEO Ellen Yin in episode one, who shared a powerful reminder of how understanding your data will lead to business success. You have to put yourself out there and love to fail so that you can learn from your failures and improve. The most successful entrepreneurs go hand in hand with failure, and they use their data to learn and grow. 

Tip 11: Let go of your ego

In episode 30, LinkedIn expert Lakrisha Davis explained why successful business owners need to let go of their egos to succeed. Your ego holds you back from succeeding because it stops you from asking for help. You have to have the humility to hire a coach or get advice from your peers. You also need to have empathy for your audience so that you can continuously improve the value of your service and ask for feedback without getting offended. 

Tip 12: Be controversial

Author of Financial Feminist Tori Dunlap told us to be controversial in episode 19. Have an opinion and something to say. You can’t be everything to everybody, and having strong opinions will attract your target audience. They will be excited to engage with you and purchase from you multiple times. Don’t pay attention to the people who don’t understand your brand. Instead, prioritize connecting with the people who do. 

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