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An Easy 4-Step Road Map to Improving Your Client Experience and Elevating Your Brand

Here are three main tips on how you can increase your potential client experience when elevating your brand as an entrepreneur. | Rising Tide Society
Photo by Alysa Bajenaru on Unsplash

If you’re wondering why you should care about your client experience, I’m here to break it down for you and give a few actionable steps you can take immediately after reading this article.

First, as creatives working in the field we love, you must realize there are thousands, better yet millions of people who do exactly what we do.

If your client is shopping around (which they will) you must be the shining star in a dark cave that points to every single reason to why you’re the go-to person for what it is that you do. You gain this credibility through the experience that your client has not only after booking your services, but leading up to booking as well.

Here are my main tips on how you can increase your potential client experience when elevating your brand.

Client Experience Systems of Operation

First, put yourself in your client’s shoes. You are searching high and low for someone that does that special thing you do. Your dream clients are not searching for the basics. They want the Beyoncé of your niche and you’re going to give it to them.

1. Answer all your client’s questions before they ask them.

Start to think like your client. What are the top five common questions you get asked frequently?

Create a page on your site and list out the top questions and answers for potential clients to view.

This lets your clients know you’re an expert in what it is you do and helps them make their decision faster on if you are a right fit for them or not.

I like to link to my FAQ page a second time in my emails during the inquiry process, so the client has all the details they need to know prior to setting up a time to chat.

2. Get the important details first! Save the rest for later.

What does your contact form say about your business? Does your form look like a novel or is it short, simple and straight to the point! Clients are filling out form after form and the last thing they want to do is answer a ton of questions.

I like to get the juicy details and save the rest for my automated welcome form to link back to my website and get the major details. After my team and I check the requested date to check availability we send a link to book a call for the next steps.

When requesting this call information, we are gathering details on spouses name, event vision, major concerns, and what they love about our style that made them inquire so we can already have a built connection going into the call.

Not only does this make the client feel important, it lets them know we care about what they care about.

When other businesses are barking off a list of things they provide you’re sticking out by building a relationship because you’re already past the prices and tiny fine print that you linked in the first email after letting them know you’re available for their project.

Pro Tip: See why the Contact Form is Laura Neff’s “secret weapon” to never getting ghosted by her inquiries!

3. Become the Resource Guide for your Clients.

Like I said before you have to stand out and be the Beyoncé of your niche! When you become the Resource for your clients and instantly build credibility with them, they will rave about you to their friends and family.

As the Owner of a Bridal Beauty Team, I’ve ask my booked clients to fill in who their Wedding Planner and Photographers are for their big day. This allows me a few things that helps my brand stand out.

With that information, I can reach out to the planner or photographer to make sure our timelines are in sync for the bride’s wedding day all while building a new connection.

If I see they left this area blank I send a linked page where I have a full list of vendors that my team and I have worked with so they can check them out for themselves.

Either way, this will help me stand out to my client, shorten their to-do list and give an honest list of professionals who work with the same high standards as we do.

Here are three main tips on how you can increase your potential client experience when elevating your brand as an entrepreneur. | Rising Tide Society
Photo credit: Easter Day Creative Photography

Let Your Client Experience Speak For Itself

Going into my sixth year of business, I’ve learned to let my brand speak for itself and to make things as simple, clear, and efficient as possible.

As professionals we are here to make our clients lives easier by booking our service. So keep it simple and let your expertise do the talking for you.

Last bonus tip: Read through your website and make sure that your value and expertise are present to a potential client that comes across your website.

Ask yourself if you would book your own services based upon what you just read and see what can use a quick facelift!

Ready to elevate your brand and book more clients? Get our Small Business Branding Ultimate Guide.

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