The content you create on your podcast doesn’t have to stop after you post the audio. You can repurpose podcast content for all the people on the internet to see and use. You are committing to recording a 20–45 minute podcast episode every week already. Why not make your hard work readily available in other formats since you’ve already put it together?
Your audience is made up of auditory, visual, and kinesthetic learners alike, as well as different abilities. By repurposing your podcast content, you’ll connect with all three learning styles across a variety of platforms. What’s the point of creating multiple different content calendars when all of your content can originate from one channel, your amazing podcast channel!
Here are five easy ways to repurpose your podcast content to make your episodes work harder for you.
Jump to:
- Where to start
- Repurpose content into blog posts
- Repurpose audio for reels
- Use video recordings for YouTube
- Pull engaging quotes for your social channels
1. Where to begin when repurposing podcast content
Let’s talk about where you start before we jump into the how-to of repurposing your podcast episode content. Transcribing every episode of your podcast is the simplest way to capture the content you have created. Transcripts make it easy to quickly review the topic and tips that were shared on your show.
Once you’ve transcribed your episodes, you can create beautiful content to reference whenever you are ready to repurpose your content. Create a library of these files on a free document manager like google drive so you can easily locate topics for quotes, reels, and more. This is so much easier than having to go through ALL of your audio and relisten to locate different subjects you have covered.
2. Repurpose your podcast content into blog posts
Now that we have the transcription, we are halfway to creating a full blog post! Maybe you have recorded an episode where you walked your client through tips and tricks to do XYZ, or maybe you told a story about how you launched your business. You can edit those episodes and even your interviews to create posts for your blog SEO initiatives and help increase your website traffic.
Avoid copying the transcript and throwing it up on your website without proofreading it. It’s worth it to make updates to the layout and wording. Try to use the transcript as an outline and clean it up, add in section titles (subheadings), and insert transition words that might be needed when reading the transcript versus listening to the audio.
Embed the audio player from your podcast host platform so that readers can opt to listen to your episode as well when you post on your blog. It’s a win-win for you and your audience and you did not have to write a blog post on a blank page with a blinking cursor looking back at you! Need an example? Check out the Independent Business podcast blog posts.
3. Use your podcast audio for IG Reels and TikTok
Try finding 15 to 30- second clips for your audiograms to post as Reels and videos on TikTok. You can create audiograms using apps like Wavve or Headliner. You need to promote your show anyway, so why not also create potentially viral content for your social media channels? These can also now be used for Pinterest.
Be sure to use the transcription feature on Headliner or Wavve if you are using a still image when creating audiograms for Instagram Reels and TikTok. Your audience can still consume your video content even when their phones are on silent!
Pro tip
If you record videos while recording episodes, grab sections of the video to post as a Reel or TikTok video. People love to see your face, so give the people what they want, friend!
4. Save some podcast video recordings for YouTube
Speaking of videos, if you record your episodes via Zoom or Streamyard or any other video streaming software, why not repurpose your video content, too? Imagine having YouTube, IGTV, Facebook videos, and a podcast episode to post from just one hour of working! That sounds like a dream come true to me (and a time saver.)
Video consumers have the highest percentage of internet traffic, and if you are running a business, you for sure want a piece of that pie. Take advantage of video marketing opportunities! When recording your episodes save all the audio files as well as the video. For YouTube and IGTV I would suggest creating a standard intro that you can use for those episodes to add to each video.
When you go to post your video on these other platforms use the show notes that you wrote for the podcast episode to go into the description. We do not want to start from scratch by creating the description multiple times, even if we may have to tweak a few things to satisfy different keywords and audiences. You want to repurpose content to save you time and not create a new stressor for you within your business.
5. Pull podcast content for social media
Finally, you should use the transcript to pull social media content. IG and Facebook posts have become like mini-blog posts for our audience to consume and can take hours to write out weekly content. You can easily go grab a short excerpt from a past podcast episode to use to write your weekly content by using your new podcast content library.
If you gave out three tips on your podcast, try using each tip to write out three different posts for your social media. This can also be used to lead your audience back to your podcast by adding a call to action at the end of the post to go listen to your show.
You can take your content writing time from lasting five to six hours a month down to two or three hours a month. Imagine how much time you can get back in your week just by utilizing the content you already created instead of starting with a blank space.
Now you’re ready to repurpose podcast content
Organizing the content and creating workflows around this new process of leveraging your podcast content may take some time, but it will be so worth it!Â
Pro tip
Try creating a workflow for yourself within your project management system that starts with recording your podcast episode and builds out content for one other platform to get started.
If you are worried that your audience will get tired of hearing the same content over and over again, remember we all learn differently. Not everyone who listens to podcasts will read a blog post, watch your YouTube video or follow you on the ‘gram.
You are ensuring that more people have access to the valuable information you share each week by repurposing your podcast content.
Building out a way to show up on multiple platforms without spending too much on each will ultimately help you organically grow your online presence one episode at a time.
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