Two women look at a phone on the cover of Growing your business on social media guide.
Two women look at a phone on the cover of Growing your business on social media guide.

Growing your business on social media

You already know that social media is a powerful tool in your marketing mix but keeping up with all the updates, algorithms, and emerging platforms can leave your head spinning! Don’t worry—we’ve got you covered.

In this guide, we’re sharing tips to help you with everything from optimizing your profile to generating consistent content, capturing leads, and more.

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Batch your social media content:

Social media shouldn’t make you feel panicky and overwhelmed, but it’s easy to feel that way if you don’t have a consistent content strategy in place. Amanda Warfield shares eight steps that will help you batch your Instagram Reels to save yourself time and mental energy. Doreen Vanderhart shares tips to help you create a focused social media strategy.

Move followers into your sales funnel:

To maximize the ROI of your social media efforts, you need a lead generation strategy that helps convert interested followers into paying clients. Claire Bough shows you how. But to transition your followers into a buyer mindset, you need to first earn their trust. Akua Konadu talks about how you can do that through genuine storytelling on social media.

Make Instagram work for your business:

As Alina Thomas explains, leaving your ideal clients wanting more should be a top priority for every independent business. She shows you how to do that in your Instagram bio. Now that you’ve got your ideal client following your content, ensure you’re making the most of their attention with a powerful and intentional call-to-action strategy. Reed Gallagher explains how different CTAs can help you achieve different business goals.

What's inside

Doreen Vanderhart

If Instagram is making you feel stressed rather than excited, we’ve got you covered. Doreen shares her tips to help you build a focused social media plan so that you can clearly identify where to direct your marketing efforts and build a profitable, thriving business on Instagram.

Amanda Warfield

Reels are a fun and exciting method to grow your business and they can pack a powerful punch to engage your audience and inspire action. Use them wisely so that your personality and connection shine through. Read Amanda’s article for time and energy-saving tips that will help you batch create your Instagram Reels content.

Claire Bough

Your social media platforms are a great place to capture high-intent leads for your business and maximize the return on investment of your marketing efforts. Get started on a lead gen strategy that you can apply to all of your social media channels with a little help from Claire.

Use storytelling to grow social media

Akua Konadu

To shift your social media followers’ mindsets from consumer to buyer, you must first win their trust. Akua outlines how to accomplish this through authentic storytelling on social media. When you tell your story, you’re sharing your mission, vision, and values with your audience. This can be a powerful tool to build brand affinity and attract the clients that fit best with your business.

Alina Thomas

Are you stumped about to what to include in your Instagram bio? We’ve all been there! Your Instagram bio explains who you are and why your ideal client should hire you. If you’re having trouble crafting an engaging Instagram bio or need a refresher, Alina takes you step-by-step through each element of your Instagram bio to ensure you’re nailing this powerful piece of social media real estate.

Disclaimer: The advice featured in this guide and on the blog was sourced from our community members for sharing general information and knowledge. For specific legal, financial, tax, mental health and professional advice, please consult an authorized professional.