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How to Define and Market with Your Brand Voice to Attract Your Dream Clients

When you hear the word “brand,” you probably automatically think of a logo, don’t you? You think about the emblem representing a brand – iconic ones like Louis Vuitton’s LV monogram or Nike’s swoosh.

From there, you might think about terms associated with a brand – that Chanel is chic and timeless, that Apple is sleek and user-focused.

A brand is all about what people think, feel and see when they connect with your company. It’s the differentiator between you and your competitors. It’s the cornerstone of your business.

Building a robust client-attracting brand means staying consistent with your values in every client interaction, so that when they think of you, their perceptions are positive and their loyalty is secure.

So, how do you make this happen?


Everything you say and do in business is a reflection of your brand. If you’re a founder/owner who is closely connected with your brand, even your personal posts and actions are impactful.

Developing your brand voice means starting with the fundamentals of your business and defining what you care about and how you share these things with the world.

1 | Create your brand story

Why does your brand exist? Why does it matter?

That’s the point you need to get across when you create your brand story.

When you tell people what your brand does, what it means to you and how it’s unique, you’re being vulnerable and creating an opportunity for trust and connection.

While there may be a dozen products on the market that are similar to yours, your story makes it unique. Build your brand around you and the stories you can tell about how you’re serving and empowering your clients.

People want to buy products that solve problems, but at the foundation of it all, they want to connect. They want to know that others are going through the same issues; that their fears, concerns, and goals are relevant; and that they’re not alone in their journey.

Tell them about the problem you saw in the world, and the product or service you designed to fill that need and make the world better.

It doesn’t have to be earth-shaking or world peace driven. It can be as simple as “When I was getting ready for work in the morning, I realized I’d be a lot less stressed if I could write my to-do list while getting ready. However, I can’t write, style my hair and pack lunches at the same time. That’s why I built an app that lets me add voice recordings directly to my list for the day, so I can capture them wherever I am.”

This is just an example (although it’s definitely an app I’d want!), but doesn’t that message come across as more personable and relatable than “WriteTheThings is an app that allows you to create audio to-do lists”?

2 | Determine your brand’s purpose to highlight in your brand voice

To tell that brand story, you have to find the purpose that’s driving your business.

What does your brand stand for? How does it reflect your personal beliefs and goals?

When your brand stands for something and has a purpose, you’ll be able to do more than push products; you’ll be providing genuine value.

Define the actionable impact you want to see your brand make on the world. Do you create a sustainable beauty product because you want to see people and the planet at their best? Do you offer leadership development programs because you want to give a voice to demographics that aren’t being fairly represented?

Find your purpose and you’ll find a key motivator for your clients and team. They’ll want to be part of something bigger than a single product or offering – they’ll want to be part of a movement that means something and that brings together people with similar vision.

3 | Define your brand personality

Your brand personality can grow from your brand story and purpose. After you know what you’re going to say, figure out how you want to say it.

Who does your target audience want to buy from?

  • Are they looking for someone who feels like a confidante with whom they’d chat and share secrets? If so, your personality may be casual, comfortable, and friendly. Don’t be afraid to reference pop culture, use pictures that fit your style, or use slang where it makes sense.
  • Are they seeking advice and guidance from a professional? You can still express warmth and personality but may want to keep your brand voice slightly more formal and cover topics in a more analytical way.

Your brand personality can also come across in more than words. The images you choose, the hashtags or challenges you participate in and the content you share are all tied into your brand personality as well.

4 | Design your brand aesthetics

Many people get stuck on an idea for a color scheme or a logo because there’s something that resonates with them personally. As a brand builder, though, you want to make sure you have the foundation of your brand in place before you begin to tell a visual story.

Your brand aesthetics tell a story about your business, whether you’re trying to evoke trust, boost energy, or build relationships.

When choosing a design look and feel to reflect your company, it’s not just about the logo. You need to consider every interaction a client will have with your brand, including:

  • Color palette
  • Typography
  • Textures
  • Patterns
  • Icons
  • Illustrations
  • Photography

You need to choose these ideas with both strategy and inspiration in mind, so you can make sure YOU come across at each touchpoint, and that these touches are moving your prospects toward making decisions.

That means everything, everything – if you’re sending out invoices, for example, why make them bland and boring? Why send a typical form letter message with them? Infuse your personality into every interaction (HoneyBook’s templates make this so easy!), and keep reminding your clients about what makes you unique, down to clever phrasing or quick tips you offer.

The more cohesive and clear you are about your brand, from key messages to design aspects, the more effective and stronger it will be.


Your brand should be infused into your marketing, so you’re staying consistent everywhere that you’re sharing your message. That means your website, social posts, blog posts and emails should all look, feel and sound like you.

Email is the top ROI generating platform (up to 4400% ROI – wow!), so you want to make sure your voice and brand are shining through in your email communications to garner great results.

1 | Share who you are

With email, you have an opportunity to connect with people and to tell them a story. You’re not limited by a character count – you have the opportunity to share who you are, what your brand is and why you’re unique.

Use email to get your Unique Selling Proposition across to your potential clients or to retain loyalty from your existing ones.

2 | Share results

Use your emails to say, “It really worked!” For example, if a client has a great experience with your product/service, use email marketing to share that. Why?

  • People want to see other people using products and succeeding.
  • People trust testimonials, even from people they don’t know, more than they trust advertising.

Don’t be afraid to have fun with these emails. Use pictures, quotes, jaw-dropping stats, and color to make your emails engaging.


You need to ask yourself a couple of questions to ensure you’re creating an authentic and sustainable brand. These aren’t one-and-done questions; you should ask them often, gauge changes and adjust accordingly.

There are two questions you should ask yourself frequently to gauge if your brand voice and copywriting is effective or needs an update.

Frequently ask, “Why am I doing this?”

Simon Sinek says to “Start With Why” to inspire and drive action. When you ask yourself why and get in touch with the real reason for your efforts, you’ll reignite your passion for your work.

If you’re not connecting with your purpose anymore, figure out what’s changed? Do you lack a connection with your audience? Is your brand story no longer ringing true? If so, it’s time to make a change, evaluate your brand and adjust where necessary.

Frequently ask, “Who am I doing this for?”

Knowing your target audience and ideal client can help shape your brand and the way you communicate.

And really, that’s what it’s all about – focusing on others. My business transformed when I shifted from saying what I thought was important to understanding what my target audience needed and getting crystal clear on the problem I was solving.

When you shift that focus, your passions and your why suddenly have a bigger purpose.

And when you start working from a place of service, thinking about what your audience needs and how you can improve their lives, your communications become more targeted, your messaging becomes more relationship-based and your brand aligns with your audience.

All in all, you see more success… which is what we’re all aiming for, right?

Creating a brand and honing your brand voice is so much more than designing a logo. Pour your heart and soul, hard work and strategic thinking into your brand, and you’ll reap the rewards in the form of clients who are brand-loyal and dedicated to your business.

Ready to connect and convert your ideal clients? Get our Brand Voice & Copywriting Ultimate Guide.

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